A Bad Day at the Cafe


Active member
I am having some problems with social phobia. I would say I have had problems with social phobia for a long time, but lately it feels worse, and like it dominates my life.

I went to the cafe today and couldn't sit in front of people. I got scared. I can rationally tell myself no one is looking at me but this feeling takes hold and feels like I am stuck, and can't move. I am afraid to move in case they "see something wrong."

I turn away from the crowd and immediately relax. I can't make eye contact with the waitress. I can't think straight. I feel very strange.

I'm ok with friends, and people I know but I am still really skittish in a crowd.

I hate psychiatry in their "treatment."

I have had the most ridiculous experiences with them.

I once was depressed and mistaken for being drunk. I had no advocate with me, so a social worker lied to me, and had me placed in a locked down re-hab facility.

I basically had to fend off doctors following me around accusing me of reeking of alcohol. They tossed me out after 6 days of being there. I was told I was "maybe bipolar" and was put on a typical anti-psychotic usually used to treat schizophrenia, Paxil and Depakote. I couldn't even see straight and could barely get out of bed.

The one other psychiatrist I had would all too willingly dole out anti-psychotics first without trying milder medications for anxiety. I had to really press for proper treatment. Alot of doctors don't think that you actually suffer even if you don't have a big label like bipolar. I did try the antipsychotics but only very briefly. The side effects were totally unhelpful and made me worse. It took me 6 months of trying to convince her to get me on a waiting list into CBT. In that time frame she labeled me bipolar, and unsuccessfully tried to get me on lithium. She then admitted I had no real symptoms of bipolar, and just wanted to see what lithium would do. I then convinced her to send me to CBT- which she kept insisting I won't get, and said I should just take pills.

I sometimes think my social phobia is a normal response to the ****ed up society around me.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you went through all that! Restaurants are hard for me too, people have nothing else to look at while eating so inevitably someone ends up looking at me and I get nervous,lol. I hate applebee's because the tables are clustered so close together :)


"She then admitted I had no real symptoms of bipolar, and just wanted to see what lithium would do"

isnt that just typical of so called experts!

i hate restaurants too, i never go near them. i just phone for takeaways