5-HTP NATURAL Serotonin


New member
I just wanted to know if anyone tried this supplement for imbalances or low Serotonin levels?I am obssesed with supplements in general,but I haven't tried this one yet.Sometimes I buy my supplements on E-bay,and I see that this particular supplement is sold pretty well (I always check how much was sold by a specific seller before I order,and this supplement has a pretty big number of sales so maybe there's something to it).

Product: 5-HTP ( Natural Amino Acid 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan )
Treatment: Depression, Stress, Adult Health, Brain/ Mood, Cardiovascular, Sleep/ Relaxation, Weight Loss .

Imbalances or low levels of Serotonin may be responsable for Mood disorders, Morning stiffness, Sleep disturbance, Anxiety, Migraine headaches and an increase in appetite, or a craving for food that is high in Carbohdrates and fats, as the body tries to increase the Serotonin levels naturally.
Research shows that taking a 5-HTP supplement may help to provide a more positive outlook, promote relaxation, calm and give greater appetite control. 5-HTP seems to be most beneficial if taken before bedtime.


Well-known member
I have taking been Tyrosine, which is the precursor for dopamine, the other
neuro-transmitter deficient in people with social phobia. It is the corresponding supplement to 5-HTP. It seems to have a moderate effect.


New member
I have taking been Tyrosine, which is the precursor for dopamine, the other
neuro-transmitter deficient in people with social phobia. It is the corresponding supplement to 5-HTP. It seems to have a moderate effect.

Thanks for the reply.I will definitely try Tyrosine.Is there a certain brand you could recommend?