Search results

  1. cLavain

    Find bands

    Well, we've done a few of these before (thanks to LA-girl), but I don't think we've done the music test yet (don't shoot me if we have). So, how many bands can you find in this picture? I'll start with 5: B-52's Scissor Sisters White Zombie Smashing Pumpkins Crowded House
  2. cLavain

    The Island

    Endless sea. An island on the horizon. You swim towards it. Your arms ache, the hard red beats of your struggling heart, so much like the ticks of a clock counting down to unconsciousness, make you dizzy, the water which makes up your entire world disgusts you more with each passing day. But you...
  3. cLavain

    In defense of the "moaners"

    So what's with the bashing of people venting their frustrations lately? This site is for people with various mental problems, and it's one of the few places where we can "tell it like it is" without being accused of spreading negative vibes or being told to grow up or get a grip. It's enormously...
  4. cLavain

    Okay, so... there anyone else here with absolutely no plans for this summer what so ever? :lol: :D :) :| :( :cry: kthanksbye...
  5. cLavain

    Bill Bailey?

    A long shot, but: Anyone else here a fan of Bill Bailey? On a whim I downloaded one of his shows and it was just brilliant! One of the funniest guys ever, and he's got wicked musical talent too.
  6. cLavain

    Can you hear this tone?

    Well, here's something interesting: A ring tone that can only be heard by young people! I guess it's a bit individual, though, as I have no...
  7. cLavain

    Progress to a certain point?

    Anyone else feel that there is a law of diminishing returns when it comes to SA? My SA may not be that bad, because I can work, shop, go to the pub and so on, but however much I expose myself to these situations I just can't get rid of the anxity, my stomach keeps aching with worry even if I'm...
  8. cLavain

    What a day...

    Negative: - Sent in a job application yesterday. Really worried about the whole thing. - Felt like shite when waking up - Still got a cold and feel lousy - Saw myself in the mirror and got even more depressed. - Tried to convert an avi movie file to DVD, discovered that the aspect ratio was not...
  9. cLavain

    Best part of the day?

    Just thought it would be interesting to hear what time of the day is best for you. I always feel awful when I wake up, a bit better later on, often quite bad at noon, then usually feel better as it gets later. I definitely feel best at late evening, unless there's something unusually social...
  10. cLavain

    The greeting dilemma

    I have this problem when it comes to saying hello to people. I meet someone I should/could say hello to and I find myself waiting to see if they will say hello first. Sometimes they do, but sometimes not. Of course, they may be waiting for me to say hi, and when I fail to do so they might think...
  11. cLavain

    Pop-up messages?

    Wow, I opened this page now, and I got like 7-8 popup windows at ones! I quickly closed them all, because I thought something had gone wrong with the server, but they all had the names of forum members on them, so now I realize they were actual messages from people here!? If so, I have blocked...
  12. cLavain

    Letting things go

    Do any of you guys constantly beat yourself up over past mistakes and failures? I do. In retrospect, some of the decisions I have made makes me so pissed at myself, and I can still cringe at things that happened almost twenty years ago! And if something bad happens now, I can mull over it for...
  13. cLavain

    What are you reading right now?

    What the title says... Me: Terry Pratchett: The Truth Steven Erikson: House of Chains Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse
  14. cLavain

    Going alone to a concert

    Hi people, new user! :) I just thought is would be interesting to hear what you people think of going to a concert alone. Yesterday, I found out that a band I really like is playing live not too far from my town, but no one I know (not many...) shares my (admittedly) strange taste in music...