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  1. CillaHasBrainActivity

    Fear of falling down?

    Hello. Um, so I have this thing. I have really bad anxiety and agoraphobia. I get this feeling that I'm going to fall, but never do. That probably sounds so weird. But I get really scared if there's nothing around to lean against. Especially when I'm outside, I get this rush of, I don't know...
  2. CillaHasBrainActivity

    Jitters that last for hours

    Does anyone else have this problem? My head has been shaking, or jittering, since I woke up. :( It's really unpleasant. It feels like my neck is made of water. O.o
  3. CillaHasBrainActivity

    I really need some sympathy right now. Please help.

    So I created this account 2 years ago, but I was too shy to post anything. Now I remember it so here I go! I have a problem. I am completely and utterly terrified. It's not of anything, I'm just scared. So scared. All the time; it doesn't seem to end. I'm in college and it's hard to focus when...