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  • "the fact that I can't really connect with people, doesn't bother me. I hardly ever feel any type of loneliness, and I suppose that sets me apart from most of those with AvPD. Anyone else feel this?"

    If you don't remember, you said this in a past post and I can completely relate. That's the problem with going to the psychiatrist for me... At this point I'm fine taking benzos and avoid people most of the time. Problem is, shrink doesn't see it that way and doesn't understand that this third therapist she wants to send me to is going to be any different than the other two. I feel trapped in Panic Disorder and AvPd for life and I've accepted the life I live rather than struggle with panic attacks forever. Why can't they just understand that we don't mind being this way?

    just thought i would say hi b4 i go to bed, its almost 8am here in sunny scotland, hope you are well X
    oh... you should keep practicing when you have spare time ! what are your favorite composers? when did you start playing?
    Hi you play the piano? that's great ^^ so do I! hopefully we can get in touch. Peace
    I'm pretty sure it'll look great. Looking forward to see the pics!
    i see that many people already commented about your pretty hair but i'll say it anyway, i really like your hair it's awesome!
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