Also, it turns out the box set I have doesn't contain Rocka Rolla or Sad Wings of Destiny, which is a shame, cause I really love Sad Wings, it's easily in my top 5 Priest albums.
Everything's pretty complicated at the moment, I'm sorta in between houses and using a mobile network as my internet connection. Only 3GB worth of downloads a month.
Though I heard the song Nostradamus, it actually sounds pretty good! I may buy the album as I've seen it around for $15.
I see, well I love concept albums in any case, which I'm assuming Nostradamus is. I really should check it out in that case. Lately I've been listening to a lot of prog rock like the band Rush, but I listen to almost everything rock related. Somtimes even some electronica/dance music. Anyways...What other bands do you like?
I haven't heard it yet, mainly because everyone says it's mediocre. What do you think of it? I haven't heard Jugulator or Demolition either, but I own everything up to Painkiller in a box set.
Hi Thelema, if you're interested in ACT but can't afford a self-help workbook, I can send you a copy of one, but only if you promise to actually read it and try it, let me know
Hi there Thelema, I heard that you were a moderator from Voltron291 and I have an idea about how to get the SA community to be a little more interconnected. I've also posted a thread in the off topic section that has some more details if your interested. Lemme know what you think. ;-)
Hey there,
You're a mod, right? Do you have any idea if the chat room for SPW is still going to be linked to from the site (maybe with a similar java applet)? If not, that's kind of sad to me because I made a lot of friends there.