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  • Better than ever. I remember you from way back. you used to write poems on the forums
    You have a lovely soft speaking voice warm and friendly, that's what I miss about England.
    Well, I was like that. But I learned this amazing vernacular and diction to pick up and flirt with pretty women;). Is it working?

    How fun::p:! Are the conversations with your husband much easier:)?
    I'm a living zombie, what more do you need to know::p:?

    Oh, I'm sorry about your loss. But I can imagine that you've confused your family in conversations a couple of times::p:!
    Explain to me what the "right girl" is like::p:.

    Well, I can relate to how you became so smart, but I'm like you, yet I'm nowhere close to you:)! So why do you say it must be on your father's side?
    Oh no, I'm terrible. I'm dense to girls' feelings to the point that I have to be told flat-out to my face and, even then, I may not believe it and showing affection is kinda hard for me::eek::. I've got nerves of steel and a heart of ice::p:.

    Why are you so smart (and pretty;))?
    Oh, what he did was so nerdy, yet, in its own way, adorable(?);). I'm not too good with romance and romantic things::eek::.

    I haven't heard anything too serious from my family, so I'll just wait until something happens and act then.

    Ah, thank you:). Religion can get really confusing sometimes, so I just went with the Agnostic route and saved myself the trouble and conflict:D.
    Hm, your husband sounds pretty awesome:cool:! How'd you meet him anyway?

    I'm not really sure if she's unhappy with it or not. I know that her husband's family's religion and my family's religion (Baptist) have clashed though. But, she won't lose this family; we're too close-knit for that:).

    I'm "on record" as a Baptist, but, I like to think of myself more as an Agnostic.
    So how much of a manga reader is your husband?

    Ah, Jehovah's Witnesses. I've had a few encounters with them, moreso since my sister is married to one (and subsequently became one). I've "tapped their waters", so to speak, so I don't know that much about them. So, now what's your religious affliliation?
    Your husband. He's a (teasing) hero::p:! I salute him:D!

    You seem to know a lot more about mythology than I, even if that isn't saying much::eek::! I just barely scratched the surface of mythos myself. So far, Norse, Judeo-Christian, and Shinto mythology are what I'm looking into. So where did the interest come from?
    Oh, no. I've never heard of that manga before::(:. Some favorite manga series of mine are Negima, Fairy Tail, I''s, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, and Ultimo.

    And I'm doing fine myself. So what mythologies interest you?
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