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  • Hi.What are some of your favourite distinctive items of clothing that you use to stand out and do use hair dyes.A lady from my work place, uses red dye in her hair to create streaks.Its quite a nice look I think.

    Its easy to fall into the habit of eating too much food full stop and eating too many types of food rich in fat and sugar.At times Im tempted to eat food even when Im not particularly hunger because eating gives me pleasure.I try to ask myself the questions,why am I eating again so soon,am I hunger,am I eating because I feel down.Those questions help me to control my snacking and overeating most of the time.

    Its good to hear your getting out and about.Have you known this person with social anxiety long and do you help each other by discussing issues.I think having some one that can understand what your going through can be very helpful if the person is supportive and not too negative.

    Im voluntarying on thursday in the gardens of a college for disabled people.
    Hi.No problem.Its nice to hear from you since I enjoy our chats.Its interesting what you were saying about liking to stand out from the crowd.I get the impression that you are quite shy so does not getting attention due to your distinctive clothing make you self concious or uncomfortable.Some of my favourite clothes I have been wearing for years and they still look quite good on me.I only really reguraly buy new jeans or trousers since they annoyingly only last usually a few months before ripping.

    Good to hear that you enjoyed the resturant.What type of food did you all have.There is something quite pleasing about sharing food with people you care about,escpically if you cooked it yourself.Maybe its bonding thing.I find the relationship that people have with food interesting.For some people its just fuel for the body but for others it has alot more significance and meaning.Food has both physical and phsycholical impact on people for better or worse.
    I have only been to one wedding and that was in my late teens.I remember it because I got to wear a full suit.When was the last time that you got really dressed up.That last time for me was years ago.It was for my brother`s graduation from University.He went back to uni as a mature student to do a physiology degree.Out of interest do you like wearing makeup and getting dressed up.

    Do you mind telling me why you are not planning to get married.Marriage can work for some people but it seems to involve alot of work and still quite a number of them fail.Im not sure marriage is
    for me.
    I think many palaces,stately homes are quite expensive to maintain.Heating,electricity bills etc.Some of these tours are expensive so they must help keep the families in cavier and champagne for a while.Have you ever tried cavier or Champagne.It said on the website that people can have weddings in Howard castle and the grounds.Thats the case if you have a few thousand pounds spare.Its amazing how much money so many people are willing to spend on weddings.Its an industry in its self with plenty of people willing to take your money.What do you think of huge weddings.

    If there something I need in shop that I can not find then I will speak to a staff member.Its their job to help people.To stop myself from getting nervous I just focus on the fact that people that work in shops are being paid to be there.Its not a social situation,its a customer to staff interaction.Do you have any favourite shops.
    Some of these stately homes such as Longleat house have people living in them.Imagine having your home open to the public.It must be odd in some ways.Lots of these Estates such as Hampton court palace have lovely large gardens.Im thinking about visiting Hampton court in the summer to see the gardens.What did you like best about the inside of the castle.

    Im not a big shopper to be honest.When things get broken or torn then I replace them usually by going to the shops.Often shops are too crowded,there is not much space to move around and a lack of staff around to ask questions.The only things I buy online usually are books,cds and dvds.Do you have any favourite shops.
    I had a look at Howard castle online and it looks very impressive.What did you think of it and did have a tour of the building and grounds.From memory I have only seen one castle in person.That castle was Buckingham palace and it looked amazing from the outside.Its a huge building.I wander what it would be like to live in a place like that.There must be a million rooms filled with paintings,fine furniture.Its another world.Do you like shopping online or in person.
    Sounds like your taking advantage of the good weather.It would be nice to hear more about your time in York.What interesting sights did you see and did it involve much traveling.
    It looks like spring is finally here.It some how makes me feel more energized and motivated.Hopefully it is start of many sunny days.What do you think about the animated film Brave.I think its out on dvd now
    Your point about having less issues if you lived in a better area,got me thinking.One of my issues that Im working on is paranoia.On a scale of one to ten my paronoia is usually around 5 or 6.Living in a very busy area with very little personal space when Im out and about,noise coming from everywere,strangers everywere,with lots of people with their guard up and just seeming to be looking out for themselves,does affect my paranoia.Living somewere more peaceful would more than likely reduce my anxiety and paronoia a bit.When you move away from your village would it be the first time that you have lived by yourself and not in your parents house.Does that worry you or are you looking forward to it.
    I have lived in London most of my life and for better for worst I consider it my home.Its unlikely that that I will leave London any time soon.I can see myself though living in another part of London in the future.Different parts of the city have a more tranquil atmosphere with more trees,greenery,more space and less people.There are parts of Surrey I have visted that I thought I would like to live.Alot of the issues I have with were I live stems from my issues with people in general.Regardless were I may move to,those issues would still be there.Its easier to make changes to my self than change my home so thats what Im doing.Are the reasons you dislike were you live linked to your issues or are the reasons due only to the changes in your village.I had a look at the East coast of Scotland online and it looks quite interesting.What about it appeals to you.
    Hi.I thought your village would have less people then that.It sounds more like a small town. Farms are quite interesting places and they pop sometimes in unexpected locations.The area were I work is semi rural and it has a few average size farms there.They grow crops like corn in the fields and I have seen cows and sheep grazing.The cows close up are pretty large animals.The way they just stand there chewing and staring makes me smile.What sort of crops and animals are found on the farms in your village.I have a love hate relationship with London and the town I live in.Its probably 60 % love to 40% hate really.But I think my anxiety and related issues play their part in feelings towards were I live.Would you mind telling why you dislike were you live.
    Hi.I actually lived with my grandparents for a while when I was a child because my mum needed to move quite far away due to her job.You mentioned living in a village.It would be interesting to hear about your village.Is it a large place,are there many shops,people,is it a farming community.The subjects your learning about sound interesting.The way the body works is amazing and it is so complex.The way the red blood cells carry carbon dioxide to the lungs then pick up oxygen is clever.The effects of hormones like Insulin,Ostrogen are so important to our bodies.From the subjects you have studied recently what facts have you found the most interesting.
    It sounds like you were or you are close to your grandma.My grandparents helped to raise me and they were good people. I have seen bulbs like snowdrops,daffidiles,crocus ,flowering and that means Spring is almost here.Brillent.Last Spring and Summer I pushed myself to experience more of life instead of staying indoors reading,watching tv etc.So I went to art gallaries,museums,Royal parks.The plan is for me to be more active this spring and summer instead of being so withhdrawn from the world.Im still indoors quite alot apart from when Im working part time or voluntarying in the park.Do you spend alot of time indoors or are you fairly active.You mentioned a while ago about having to do alot of coursework.What things have you been learning about recently.
    It sounds like you were or you are close to your grandma.My grandparents helped to raise me and they were good people. I have seen bulbs like snowdrops,daffidiles,crocus ,flowering and that means Spring is almost here.Brillent.Last Spring and Summer I pushed myself to experience more of life instead of staying indoors reading,watching tv etc.So I went to art gallaries,museums,Royal parks.The plan is for me to be more active this spring and summer instead of being so withhdrawn from the world.Im still indoors quite alot apart from when Im working part time or voluntarying in the park.Do you spend alot of time indoors or are you fairly active.You mentioned a while ago about having to do alot of coursework.What things have you been learning about recently.
    I like reading poetry and I have poetry books at home.Do you like poerty and do you have any favourite poems.British history is quite interesting to me but I dont know much about the tudor area.Its interesting reading about the Celts,Saxons,Normans,Romans etc.You mentioned liking Tudor towns.Which ones have you been to and what did you like about them.
    Creative activities like drawing I think are good ways of expressing yourself.A really good artist can take a blank sheet of paper and by adding a few lines and colours ,can create something beautiful from nothing.I think that is so impressive.One of my creative outlets is writting poetry.Its a good way of cleansing yourself of troublesome thoughts and it enables me to express my thoughts and feelings in a creative positive way.I have seen adverts on tv for Center parks over the years and they look pretty impressive.What activities did you do there and did you see much plants and animals.
    Hi.What things have you been drawing and is drawing something you enjoy.I like looking at drawings and paintings in my art books and in art gallaries.Beautiful paintings of scenes from nature and paintings of buildings,bridges,etc in the city sometimes take my breath away.It takes so much skill to produce them.Its easy at times to overlook the beauty of England and the UK.Traveling around parts of England is something I want to do alot more of.Places like Cornwall,The Lake District, look lovely.The weather at times makes that a daunting prospect though.Which parts of the UK did you enjoy traveling to and are there places in the Britain that you would like to see.
    Tokyo is probably one of the most well known cities in the Far East.Its certainly one of the few I could name.When I think of Tokyo images of big buildings,bright lights from signs,big crowds,big department stores,ricksaws come to mine.It looks like an interesting place.Im interested in nature so the beaches,reefs,forests,plants,birds of places like Singapore are very appealing to me.I would love to walk across a proper sandy beach and dip my toes in a warm ocean.Which other countries,places would you like to visit.At the moment Im not sure were I will be going in the summer due to factors like money.Somewere like Cornwall or the Netherlands are two possibilities.I did not know that Manga was done by hand.Do you know how long it takes to draw a manga comic and produce the story.
    Okay.I do like the bright colours that are found in graphic novels,animated films.I guess computers have really done alot for manga,comics,animated films.Traditional animation with hand made models,etc, is probably dying out.Do you perfer the traditional methods or the more computer generated stuff.Some people may see that as a shame though.I think some of the Wallis and Gromit films were made using some traditional techniques and the results were quite impressive.Im looking forward to summer time.Hopefully I can do some travelling.Last summer I went to Great Yarmouth.I have not traveled much.If you could visit Asia which places, things would you like to see.
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