Hi, im student at Queens university doing research


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Hi, im currently a psychology student doing research on social phobia. if you guys wouldnt mind answering a few questions. thanks.

1. do you have allergies?
2. do you have trouble waking up in the morning? how many times do you press on snooze button?
3. are you too dependant on your mother, do you feel shes overprotective?
4. how did you handle birthdays parties when you were young? up until what age did you stop having parties?
5. Do you feel like as tough you want attention from people, and if you do not get it, you put yourself down?
6. What kind/ groups of music did you listen to when you were growing up, and what do you listen to now?
7. Tell me your honest views on casual sex?
8. Do you feel guilty for lusting at someone of the opposite sex?
8. Do you feel very jealous or better then a lot of people, and feel as tough you should be in the place of someone whose getting all the attention?
9. Are you or were you ever part of a religion?
10. Do you have a passion for something in life? if so, what is it?

Thanks for your time.


Well-known member
1: no
2: not especially
3: no and no
4: I can only recall having one, which went ok. can't recall when. I was prob between 9 to 11.
5: Attention? I don't want to be ignored if I am with people but don't want much attention generally. I quite like being alone mostly.
6: Heavy metal/thrash type stuff and no I don't listen to it anymore.
7: Don't care for it myself but I have no problems morally or otherwise with it.
8: No
9: No
10: No, nothing I would call a passion.


Well-known member
!/ allergies yes..but thats more to do with my asthma.
2/I only have trouble getting up cause I go to bed at such ridiculous hours
3/Haven't been dependant on anyone
4/Was too poor to have birthday parties...lol. Just as well, not keen on them anyways.
5/I like a little attention from the right people but don't NEED it and dont put myself down if I dont get it.
6/I was an 80s pop kid, Now I prefer rock music
7/Casual sex isn't for me but if its consenting adults then theres no problem, I just hope they remember the precautions...lol, makes me sound like someones mum...lol.
8/Guilty for lusting...lol, thats an odd question and no, I wouldn't feel guilty about it if I were single.
9/some of my family are religious, some are not, I myself am and have always been an Athiest.
10/I have a mad passion for Animals and Nature


Well-known member
1. do you have allergies? Yes. I get headaches when around alot of smoke.

2. do you have trouble waking up in the morning? how many times do you press on snooze button? Most of the times no. But at times yes.

3. are you too dependant on your mother, do you feel shes overprotective? too dependant-no, her overprotective- no

4. how did you handle birthdays parties when you were young? up until what age did you stop having parties? I only had one when I was 6 or 7- I was shy, nervous, and still quiet, but slightly more talkative than usual, because I knew that people were there for me and I didn't feel overwhelmed by scrutiny. I felt all special that people actually accepted my mom's invite.

5. Do you feel like as tough you want attention from people, and if you do not get it, you put yourself down? Eventhough most of the time I would deny it, I want positive attention at times, yes, especially from people whom I am interested in. Who doesn't want to be admired or liked by the people that they are interested in?

6. What kind/ groups of music did you listen to when you were growing up, and what do you listen to now? as a child- I hated Michael Jackson because my brother told me I had to like him because he was popular eventhough in my opinion he sucked. Secretly, I liked my dad's music like simone and garfunkle, but I wouldn't tell. Then when I became a teenager I got into thrash/metal- DRI, Slayer, Metallica, etc. cause of the energy... then I got into death-rock,dark wave, gothic, industrial because of it's experimental/creative, and artistry.

7. Tell me your honest views on casual sex? Yippie, casual sex! I don't see it as immoral. I think sex can be purely for pleasure and don't think that it necessarily infringes on marriage or commitment or love. It is ok as long as it is safe as possible between two consenting adults and only wrong if someone dishonestly uses a person as an object or breaks a vow of monagamy, etc. Sex is always more meaningful and sacred when it occurs while in love. That is the way I want it, but I'm not going to deny myself sensual pleasure until love happens. Eventhough it has been awhile either way ;)

8. Do you feel guilty for lusting at someone of the opposite sex? No. But, I am paranoid about looking at the members of the opposite sex, because I don't want to offend them or have them thinking that I see them only as a potential sex object.

8. Do you feel very jealous or better then a lot of people, and feel as tough you should be in the place of someone whose getting all the attention? No.

9. Are you or were you ever part of a religion? Not now. I grew up in a very religious family though. I am agnostic.
10. Do you have a passion for something in life? if so, what is it? School. Getting over my SA. Music is great too.

Thanks for your time


Well-known member
3.no, yes
4.i often took off with and played with one of my best friends leaving the party
5.i like attention, no
6. michael jackson, trance, hard rock. now i listen to a very broad range of music
8.no, i do like my own personality. i have had 3 months of my life witout SA and they have been the best ever and i would not want to trade with anyone else despite the anxiety i have now. i believe that when i will overcome i will be very satisfied with myself and jealousy is a strange word to me
10. i expect those to evolve more when i overcome SA, atm i have 3d animation as a hobby and i like sports a lot, though i have not been practicing sports for a long time. i recently started fitness and i hope to be able to join a team sport in the not too far away future.
I believe i can enjoy many things when i overcome or partly overcome SA including talking too and being around other people.


Well-known member
1. Yes.
2. Yes, I turn it off in my dreams and sometimes once in the morning.
3. Yes and yes.
4. I felt uncomfortable when I was younger, because I considered few there friends. But I had fun all the same. Perhaps at 10-11 I stopped having parties.
5. No, but I will talk with a little too much enthusiasm if I am comfortable.
6. Goth as embarassing as it is. I switched to experimental/avant-garde in the late teens and haven't looked back.
7. Haven't got that far yet. Can't say.
8. No.
8. A bit of both. I can be competetive, when I know I can do something, but when I'm not sure of my standings then I'll put myself down. This is why I find it hard to get a job. I generally don't want attention, so I'll be very modest about it then someone will mention me and that gets embarassing.
9. Yes, christianity. No more.
10. Finding something that interests me, new things, wierdness.


1. Yes
2. Yes, atleast 5 times
3. Dependant on her but she doesnt overprotect me
4. Pretty good, my SP didnt kick in till I was 10 or so, so I had parties before then but never after. I stopped when I was about 9.
5. Yes
6. Um, classical music. I now listen to classical (Goth, violin, piano), Sarah Mclachlan, Evananescence, Tara Maclean, Hooverphonic etc.
7. Its not on
8. Err, no
8. A bit of both
9. No way
10. Fanfictions (Heh), Motorbike riding and web design.


Well-known member
1. Beestings
2. Yes I always have trouble getting up, no matter how early I went to bed
3. No
4. Had them till I was 8 or so, after then I didnt have friends cause I moved cities. SP didnt kick in until late teens so I handled them fine.
5. Yes, but its more acceptance that I want. not attention
6. Very little music when I was younger except movie soundtracks, now I still dont listen to much, mainly just Evanescence.
7. No experience when it comes to that but morally Im old fashioned and would like to say that sex is for two people who love each other and are committed to each other.
8a. Yes
8b. No
9. I was brought up in the christian church
10. Yes I am absolutely obsessed with history


Well-known member
1. No

2. Holidays at present so I sleep till 2-3 in the afternoon alot! When its not holidays i getup 7am ish, but it does take a really big effort. Might turn alarm off 1 time to snooze if i can afford it.

3. No, she worries alot - but i've seen worse.

4. Pretty well I think, SP didn't arrive until I was 18.

5. I don't want attention, I try and avoid it if possible. I like to fit in, but not much more

6. What ever was on radio, now rather broad range over most genres. Possibly more rock than other stuff for now.

7. My honest view huh, well i'm still reletively young but I've been stung so to speak in that area. As a result of that i'd say i'm bias and don't really like it. Although I see no reason why people can't do it certainly not a moral issue for me- just not my scene for now huh.

8a. Yes and no, I dont feel guilty for lusting after someone. Rather for not expressing myself to them properly..

8b. hell no, they put in the effort to be center of attention they can have it for all i care. I do strangely sometimes wish I appeared more on the outside like I do on the inside (not a good thing!).

9. Nope not really, quakers if that counts when i was young - for now nothing takes my fancy and i'm fine with that.

10. computers and animals. :)


Well-known member
1. do you have allergies? lol..only to teddybears
2. do you have trouble waking up in the morning? how many times do you press on snooze button? i always have problems waking up, but thats because i often find myself on the verge of exhaustion
3. are you too dependant on your mother, do you feel shes overprotective? shes way too over protective. im not allowed anywhere without them checking up on me
4. how did you handle birthdays parties when you were young? up until what age did you stop having parties? i used to love parties, if i knew everyone there. otheriwse i hated them. i stopped at about 12
5. Do you feel like as tough you want attention from people, and if you do not get it, you put yourself down? yes, i want attention only in the sense of people noticing me to say 'wopw she looks cool' or soemthing positive. i go out of my way to avoid negative attention. yes i put myself down if i odnt
6. What kind/ groups of music did you listen to when you were growing up, and what do you listen to now? never used to listen to any. now its emo/metal/punk/rock/poppunk
7. Tell me your honest views on casual sex? it doesnt bother me that much. if i had the confidence to do it..yeh why not
8. Do you feel guilty for lusting at someone of the opposite sex? nope
8. Do you feel very jealous or better then a lot of people, and feel as tough you should be in the place of someone whose getting all the attention? somwtimes. with work, if i put in loads of effort but the other person has. but its jsut another reason i put myself down for. i never feel better than iothers though
9. Are you or were you ever part of a religion? no
10. Do you have a passion for something in life? if so, what is it? being the best. i always want to get the highest grades.


New member
1. do you have allergies?

some minor ones to pollen that bother me to a small deress in the summer

2. do you have trouble waking up in the morning? how many times do you press on snooze button?

Oh yea.

3. are you too dependant on your mother, do you feel shes overprotective?

No, but I did feel that she was too overprotective when I was a child

4. how did you handle birthdays parties when you were young? up until what age did you stop having parties?

I didn't really have SA all that bad as a child, I was usually fine at them. I stopped having parties before I got out of elementary school

5. Do you feel like as tough you want attention from people, and if you do not get it, you put yourself down?

I want more attention from people but if I don't get it I don't put myself down.

6. What kind/ groups of music did you listen to when you were growing up, and what do you listen to now?

While growing up I listened mainly to rock, a lot of depressing stuff like nine inch nails and Maryln Manson. Now I listen to good uk drum n bass and some classic rock.

7. Tell me your honest views on casual sex?

I have never had casual sex and I don't know if I would. I prefer to have sex with girls within a relationship, and maybe even just with girls I am in love with. If I had casual sex with a girl I could not keep it casual, I would end up developing feelings for her.

8. Do you feel guilty for lusting at someone of the opposite sex?


8. Do you feel very jealous or better then a lot of people, and feel as tough you should be in the place of someone whose getting all the attention?

I don't feel like I want to be in the place of someone who is getting attention, but I do feel "better" than some people because I actually think and read and use my mind while lots of people do not.

9. Are you or were you ever part of a religion?

I am a deist. I am not religious.

10. Do you have a passion for something in life? if so, what is it?

Yes. Music, graphic design, reading non-fiction and learning about the world.


New member
Quarkz said:
6. Um, classical music. I now listen to classical (Goth, violin, piano), Sarah Mclachlan, Evananescence, Tara Maclean, Hooverphonic etc.

Woah, I met her. Never heard her music but she was at some signing and I went with a friend who liked her. Got her autograph on a poster. Just thought I'd transfer that random bit of information about my life to you for some reason.


Well-known member
1. Pollen
2. Oh yeah I dont hit snooze but I'm half asleep till around 2nd period/lunch. That could be from getting to bed around 11:30 and getting up at 6 though =P
3. No, I can't wait to get the hell outa this house
4. I haven't stopped yet, mind you I dont have big parties, usually just chill with 5 or 6 friends and go to a movie or whatever
5. I am not an attention whore.
6. Growing up I liked pop music (lol) Now I am into metal, iron maiden, lamb of god, things like that
7. Hell Yeah!!!
8. Definetly not as it happens on a daily basis lol
8. Nope
9. Used to be a christian until I got smart and realized religion is a load of BS
10. I enjoy math/problem solving and things like that


Well-known member
1. Yeah, to pollen.
2. Well my mom always wakes me up for school in the morning, I always say "10 more min." (lol) That's probably because I HATE school!!!!
3. Yes/No
4. Ever since I can remember! When I was 5 years old I went to one of my classmates birthday party, & the whole time the girls were playing barbie and polishing each others nails while I stayed in "The adults room."
5. Oh gosh, I HATE attention!!! I don't feel worthy enough for attention.
6. Pop when I was growing up, now I mostly listen to punk/emo.
7. Im 15, no comment on this one lol.
8. no comment
8. No, I feel everybody is better than me. I have 0 self confidence, no self esteem what so ever!
9. Athiest.
10. Im for animal rights, Im vegan! <3


New member
1. do you have allergies?
2. do you have trouble waking up in the morning? how many times do you press on snooze button? No
3. are you too dependant on your mother, do you feel shes overprotective?
She's a control freak with her own psychiatric disorders (not SAD, more like MAD (manic depressive)) ; don't want her anywhere near me
4. how did you handle birthdays parties when you were young?
I remember one where I threw a crazy fit when the kids popped my balloons.
up until what age did you stop having parties? 12
5. Do you feel like as tough you want attention from people, and if you do not get it, you put yourself down?
I don't want attention, I just want respect
6. What kind/ groups of music did you listen to when you were growing up, and what do you listen to now?
Styx, pink floyd, heart - alternative
7. Tell me your honest views on casual sex?
don't care for it ; prefer real relationships
8. Do you feel guilty for lusting at someone of the opposite sex?
8. Do you feel very jealous or better then a lot of people, and feel as tough you should be in the place of someone whose getting all the attention?
I'm better than people at a lot of things esp Math, attentiveness to detail, more (and yet they can walk around with self confidence when there's crap underneath; so angers me; and so ruined my initial job searches out of college).
9. Are you or were you ever part of a religion?
Yes, dropped Christianity
10. Do you have a passion for something in life? if so, what is it?
Yoga, Eastern religions, Science & Evolution,


Well-known member
1. Yes. Dust mites (which are everywhere) and possibly milk as well
2. I never want to get out of bed, but it used to be worse. I never would have figured out how to use the snooze button except that I was so sleepy one morning that I did the wrong thing. I still don't use it. I usually get in a semi-uncomfortable position and try not to fall asleep for five minutes or so. Ten on a cold morning.
3. I am desperate for and terrified of independence.
4. I'm not that bad that I don't have birthday parties.
5. Yes. And I get attention, but it's never enough.
6. Same thing - classical, folk, stuff I don't brag about at school
7. Yuck. And it's dangerous, too.
8. I can't figure out why I'm not attracted to anyone. Though if I was, I'd probably worry about it.
9. No.
10. Yes. Writing, working with children.