happy turkey genocide day??

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Well-known member
That's what the text message said from someone I know.
"Happy Turkey Genocide Day"

is it that hard to just simply say happy thanksgiving? LOL

I mean -- I suppose if you want to get philosophical poetic about it, genocide is the word to use....

meh, whatever.

Hey guys, Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Yeah, but shouldn't jokes actually be funny?

Humour is relative. I ate mostly mashed potatoes, the tinned cranberry abomination, a roll and a little turkey. I actually never celebrate holidays or even observe them, it's just what my parents had at their house, so I ate a little. I digress—Humour, like everything is relative to the individual and I for one enjoy dark/ black comedy and I call easter (Whenever I find out it's easter..lol) zombie jesus day, but I never say "Happy <Insert holiday or birthday>" to anyone, when they say it to me I either say "You too" or don't reply. I also noticed I went off on a mini rant in which I'm now ending. :bigsmile:

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I have vegans in the family and things like this quickly get annoying.

You can always tell whoever said it to or tell them in a nicer way you don't care for it, if they persist, cut ties and you find peace at last. Maybe that's why I'm alone. :thinking: Oh well!


Well-known member
it makes me choke up a little to think of all those poor little cranberries who met their end today

Roman Legion

Well-known member
it makes me choke up a little to think of all those poor little cranberries who met their end today

This really is an abomination—But it's so damn good.


I wish I had real cranberry sauce, but these tins will have to suffice since its my parent's food and I either eat it or choose not to.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I'm eating leftover hominy right now—When I went to ask where the hominy was, I asked where the Romney was..lol Hominy 2012..hahaha


Well-known member
You guys crack me up! gotta love it.

Growing up we used to do the traditional stuff, then in my teen years, it kinda trailed off. I am a non religious person who used to work on holidays and spend time alone, it was fine with me, until some people were like, "what's wrong"...nothing was wrong, I just don't like crowds, and prefer quiet time - not a big deal, ya know.

When I got the text, the person I got it from is actually trying out the nomadic RV lifestyle and that is what they say every year. It doesn't bother me, in a sense that I don't care - first time I heard it I laughed, actually.

But for once, I would like them to say it....lol...just say it! :thinking:
it'd be actually funny to hear them utter the words, lol


Staff member
Maybe they meant the genocide of the native Americans and not turkeys? :thinking:


Most human holidays are cruel, like christmas for example. A lot of animals are slaughtered, christmas trees destroyed etc. That´s why I find hypocritical that it is supposed to bring joy to the people and the message "happy turkey genocide day" is a good reminder of this hypocricy.

I am sorry some people find this wording cruel and offensive, because exactly the opposite is true!!


Well-known member
sadly, there aren't enough holidays that celebrate what a horrible, abhorrent species we are

i'm sure those would be a lot of fun


Well-known member
That's what the text message said from someone I know.
"Happy Turkey Genocide Day"

is it that hard to just simply say happy thanksgiving? LOL

I mean -- I suppose if you want to get philosophical poetic about it, genocide is the word to use....

meh, whatever.

Hey guys, Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it.

THe person who sent you this message is probably vegetarian/pro-animal rights.
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