Does Anyone Dread Company Christmas Parties Like Me?


Dec. 19 looms over me like a countdown to shyness hell. Every year, the joy of Christmas gets a bit drained becaus I have to get over this hurdle of the company Christmas party.

I really dreaded it in 2006 as they held it as this posh country club, and everyone was going so there was no way I could duck out. It wasn't that bad. I found some people to talk to, but soon found myself standing around feeling very awkard.

In 2007, I got hit with back pain, and used that as an excuse for missing the party. Now I am at a new job, and the party is going to be held during lunch hour. The email was stated like you don't have to attend, but I know the implication is that everyone will go ,and I'll look like a total ass for missing. I don't want to be known as teh weirdo who didn't go to the party.

Yet, I don't know most of the people, and everyone has their little social cliches so there is high potential for me to be standing there feeling extremely uncomfortable and dreading what happens next. Fun and games is all they said so no telling what will happen.

Even worse, they want everyone to pay $5 bucks for the party. Not even free food. I haven't turned in my money again. I just hate being pressured into doing something that I am not paid to do.


I was the new kid on the block at my job last year. I went to the Christmas party because I actually ended up working with the girl that was coordinating the whole thing so I had to do the set up at a banquet hall. Which means I was already there, couldn't really escape out of that one, BUT I DID!! I stayed for a bit but then left because I didn't know anyone. When I don't know anyone, I usually tend to have nothing to say. I mean, yeah, I could just start asking people questions about themselves to generate conversation....what's that called again??...oh yeah...socializing!!....but the fact of the matter was, I really didn't care to.

And you shouldn't feel yourself that you have to do something that you don't really want to. If you use this experience as a form of practice for shyness, well then all the power to you. You could go and make a guest appearance and then leave. You are in control. You do not owe anyone an apology or excuse for not going to some dumb holiday work party or leaving in the middle of it. And you have to pay $5.....what kind of present is that? You should take that $5 and buy yourself an ice cream cone. That's what my uncle always told me when he gave me $5....words of wisdom, haha.


GotMeWrong said:
I was the new kid on the block at my job last year. I went to the Christmas party because I actually ended up working with the girl that was coordinating the whole thing so I had to do the set up at a banquet hall. Which means I was already there, couldn't really escape out of that one, BUT I DID!! I stayed for a bit but then left because I didn't know anyone. When I don't know anyone, I usually tend to have nothing to say. I mean, yeah, I could just start asking people questions about themselves to generate conversation....what's that called again??...oh yeah...socializing!!....but the fact of the matter was, I really didn't care to.

And you shouldn't feel yourself that you have to do something that you don't really want to. If you use this experience as a form of practice for shyness, well then all the power to you. You could go and make a guest appearance and then leave. You are in control. You do not owe anyone an apology or excuse for not going to some dumb holiday work party or leaving in the middle of it. And you have to pay $5.....what kind of present is that? You should take that $5 and buy yourself an ice cream cone. That's what my uncle always told me when he gave me $5....words of wisdom, haha.

Thanks for the response. That's how I feel. It makes me mad that I feel forced to participate. I'm hoping that I can just go eat, and then quietly sneak out, but they apparently have a lot of games planned. It doesn't help that most of the coworkers are loud very socially agressive black women. AT any rate, the party is only a few days away, and I am dreading it so much!


Well-known member
I'm worried about ours too as I assume there'll be one but since I don't have an email account yet I'm not too sure. I hope I can just go get some food real quick and just sit at my desk. The only thing I hate is that my desk is near the front so alot of people tend to pass by :x


Christmas Lunch

I had the exact same problem when I was "invited" to the christmas lunch that we had.

There were only 8 people there but I felt seriously out of place because I was the only Indian there (out of all those white and one black). I did not say a word for the whole two hours we were there. Later on I emailed my boss telling him that I get "overwhelmed" by social situations! I would suggest you do the same if you remain quiet because people think you are arrogant when you are quiet and you may lose opportunities at your company.

I think your company is absolutely awful for making you pay for it because my company constantly invites us for lunch or gives us beer.

Just remember that Christmas parties are like getting your teeth drilled: you feel pain but you will survive!


Well-known member
Yes I dread company Christmas parties too! Usually I don't go to them but I went to this year's one because the organizer wouldn't take no for answer.

The things I worry about are turning up and not being able to sit with the people I know because there are no seats left (or none of them have arrived yet), and someone trying to force me to dance later in the evening. Luckily neither was a problem this time, but I will worry about the same things next year!

What's worse for me is that the neighbors in my apartment block have a barbecue one or twice a year where everyone is invited. I've lived here for 8 years and have never been to a single one, but I think I will have to go to the next one. It'll be worse than the company parties because here I won't know anyone, apart from passing a few of them outside. And they all probably think I'm a weirdo for never attending before. The next one won't be till next year but already I'm worried!! Arrrgh