Search results

  1. karl:-/

    old habbits creeping back :-o

    Well I guess I'm back on the smoke :-o call it what you will, but I feel its better then going to the doctors. I sometimes feel their just another suit payed to listen nd throw pills at you, despite wether they give a sh*t or not. I've got no where with my HH+ 2 ETS ops could say I've been lucky...
  2. karl:-/

    how many people in uk have HH??

    A bit of a survey, just wanting to see how many people in the UK have HH+Anxiety?. Would like to see what age groups are out there And how many people in each?. Whats the ratio... Male/female? Put abit about your condition,day to day tasks,how you see your future?? I'm 26 in July,male,live up...
  3. karl:-/

    cold showers/baths for anxiety+hyperhidrosis????

    This post isn't my idear but never the less could it work??? I have hot!! Baths all the time. After witch my body goes crazy for as long as it likes 3/4 hours tops then my meds seem to take over :). If I were to get out,change the water to as cold as possible, get in for about 5-10mins what...
  4. karl:-/

    any people from UK??

    Just to see if we have any people in the UK who may suffer from hyperhidrosis + anxiety I know I'm not alone so I would like to bring us together threw this site. Maybe exchange tips/tricks we may have came across, or if you like me you may have done abit research about HH and what may...
  5. karl:-/

    hyperhidrosis is it a disability??

    Hi guys were all here for the same thing sweat.. I'm Karl I have generalized HH nd I've tried all the potions had a yr of potions nd promises. I couldn't handle it anymore nd I pushed to see a specialist BIG mistake. Ive had 2 ETS surgerys first couple of month were great then compensatory...
  6. karl:-/

    hyperhidrosis is it disability??

    Hi guys I'm new but let's get on, I have HH nd have tried all the potions nd other remedies the docs like to try first this lasted about 12 mth, but I new its was an internal problem so I pushed nd got my ETS surgery dates. I've had thm nd for like 4 month after its was fabulous thn BOOM!!_...