OCD about music

Awkward Annie

Well-known member
Not sure how common this is. Basically, I can't listen to a song that may in any way refer to death or something bad happening because I feel that it may happen in real-life if I do.

For example, I listened to a song this morning where part of it goes "and my heart won't beat again". This freaked me out and even though I like the song I'm afraid to listen to it.

I don't know how crazy this is but many songs I cannot listen to for this reason so I end up never listening to my mp3 player because I have to skip most of the songs!


Well-known member
No,not really.But i cant listen to the song "thank god im pretty" by emilie autumn because its so true it depresses me,even though i love all her songs.


Active member
My friend had that problem at one point in time. He was having a lot of problems at that one point in time though.

Had hallucinations of people being dragged down to hell.
Found hidden messages in songs about the apocalypse.
Thought he was the Anti-christ...

Stuff like that. They had to hospitalize him over all of this.


Active member
Sounds terrible. I love music and would hate to avoid all the songs that were associated with strong feelings or thoughts.

While you are afraid of it, have you listened to the song over and over again (or even just that line repetatively) until the anxiety that comes from that line is down? You may want to give that a try. Try this out. It should help, especially if you are working with a therapist on this. Best of luck.