nervous vomiting


New member
Please help

So i have this really big nervous problem, but this is because of guys. i dated this one guy and everytime i chilled with him or something, id vomit, once more then 6 times. and then we broke up and i've been fine since. Then now there is a guy that i really like and i just found out he likes me back, and right away i got sick. its been a day since i found out and i still feel sick. My mother dosnt beleive me and i just cant tell my dad.
if someone can help, PLEASE help me i cant do this for every guy i like.
From: julie <3


New member
Re: it really sucks to vomit...

reebok said:
very recently i have been dating this one girl...and now almost everytime i see her and before i see her...i get nervous and I feel like I have to throw up...she has seen me throw up 3 times now and she asked why do i throw up so much and i really dont have an answer...i try to get my mind off of everything and try not to think about throwing up and what not...but it seems to take control of my head and I cant do anything about there anything I could do to get this horrible feeling out of my system?? please somebody help.

This is exactly the problem I have. I was going to meet a girl for a date today but had to bail out because I've been sick and nervous, I've tried taking my mind of it but this never works. Anyone help?



New member

it makes me feel so much better to know i am not alone. i used to vomit regularly as a young teen but i got over it but im 20 now and its back. i get myself so worked up about situations becos im worried that i will be sick and it results in me being sick before i even get to the situation! i go in to a panic if theres no toilets around cos i worry i will need to be sick in public. i am going on holiday next week and i am so worried about it i dont even want to go. the airport, the flight, new places its just a nightmare!! i have been to the doctors and got diazapam to calm me down i hope it works
I get the feeling soemtimes, but not all that often. I just remember on the first day of High School I threw up in the classroom. It was quite embarrassing :D. I have a few other times too though.


Well-known member
Recently i have been having attacks of dry vomiting because of my anxiety, also my appetite has been very poor.


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Before I vomit I usually spit a bit, well I havent been vommiting from feeling nervous before meeting, talking or even being around people although I get a weird stomach ache feeling and get the pre-vomit spit forming. I guess I must look a bit weird constantly clearing my throat. :?


New member
i vomit when i;m with my boyfriend,and i have no idea why?
I don't think i have social phobia because i'm quite confident but i do blush A LOT!!!Anyways am i vomitting coz i'm nervous?
How do i stop this or at least control it?Would hypnosis ever help?


New member
This is probably the worst aspect of my life. I cant even think of approaching a society without getting a really sick feeling. The worst part is that when I sit alone at school and don't approach people I feel like they think I'm being conceited and arrogant. This makes me even further withdrawn as I feel like they already have reservations about my character. I cant believe it's come to this I used to be happy.


New member
Please Read Everything if you suffer:

About Me:
My condition is similiar to what I have read. I am 22 years old and it started about 4 months ago. Before that I had no problem infact everyone told me I had no shame or never felt awkward or anything like that. However once in a blue moon when I would eat heavy (Nasty unhealthy Burger) then It would put me in an upset stomach situation where I would have to sit down for an hour or so untill it went away...if I walked it was all coming out. If i did throw up I would feel amazing...nothing major just a weak stomach at times I guess. However this new condition is different...I start getting a dry mouth, my heart rate elevates and my stomach starts to act up...1 wrong thought and I throw up! This doesnt happen on dates, or anything to make me nervous...It happens at times on my way to my gym with a buddy Ive known for over 10 years... Havign said that i could give a lecture at a meeting without a problem...It is definantly psychologically related unless somethign is off from the inside. I do accept the fact that I am under alot of stress and "not knowing" at the moment - Allow me to explain: I finished university last May and applied to law school in Australia and have been accepted. However I am studyign for my LSAT which is a prerequisit text to be accepted in north america...That test I will do in February and if all goes well I will apply near home, which is Toronto, Canada. However at the time being I don't work, my schedual includes being home during the day, going to the gym, then studying for the test... I can't go out because I feel sick unless its something small time such as going for coffee. However even that can give me problems at times...

Possible Sollution:

I read a forum somewhere about someone who named a drug. It started with P and I believe was about 4,5 letters long. I cant find it now but I am very interested. If anyone knows please do let me know.

Understanding my condition from medical perspective:

I went to my dotor last week and he said it doesnt make sense...He sent me to a stomach specialist. The specialist told me; my Thyroid THS hormone is too high. The normal range is 2.5-5 mine was 8.something...So i did a new blood test and have yet to hear from the results. Also Because I feel my heart rate ellevate everytime before I feel sick, the specialist said to be safe she wants me to get my heart checked...I agreed and so i am going to have it checked in about 2 weeks time. I am almost certain my heart is healthy but I am goig nthrough with the testing and will provide any results I get.

My Proposal:

It appears to me after having read all the posts that we should all have something in common. Something that is putting us through this undesirable condition. I am going to list a few things I think could have contributed to my condition, please try to find a connection and make a post.

What could have caused it:
Protein Shake - weight gainer I took often not anymore.
NO-Xplode - A caffein drink ment to boost the mind and body before working out. It basically makes u really hyper. I believe my heart elevation might be related to this.
Fast food - This also falls under eating late. I sometimes eat at 2,3,4 am then go to bed.
Eating Habbits - Usually skip breakfast cause I sleep in.
Bad sleeping patterns - I sleep between 3-4am and wake up between 1-2 pm.
Lack of responsibility - The fact that I have nothing to do I think is causing anxiety. As before I would have school (university). I HAD to sleep early, get up on time and go to school. So I would have alot of homework and at times would be tired and would look forward to partying with no problems! Not even with alcohol in my system.
Uncertainity - I don't knwo what will happen with the test I have to do, Will I be accepted into law school here? Will I have to go to Australia? I guess general anxiety relating to the future and not being sure.

Anyways I appreciate everyone who read my post and If I find any leads on my search to an answer for this conditio nI wil ldefinanly let everyone know. As well I wil lkeep everyone posted on what my tests reveal.


New member
Please Read Everything if you suffer:

About Me:
My condition is similiar to what I have read. I am 22 years old and it started about 4 months ago. Before that I had no problem infact everyone told me I had no shame or never felt awkward or anything like that. However once in a blue moon when I would eat heavy (Nasty unhealthy Burger) then It would put me in an upset stomach situation where I would have to sit down for an hour or so untill it went away...if I walked it was all coming out. If i did throw up I would feel amazing...nothing major just a weak stomach at times I guess. However this new condition is different...I start getting a dry mouth, my heart rate elevates and my stomach starts to act up...1 wrong thought and I throw up! This doesnt happen on dates, or anything to make me nervous...It happens at times on my way to my gym with a buddy Ive known for over 10 years... Havign said that i could give a lecture at a meeting without a problem...It is definantly psychologically related unless somethign is off from the inside. I do accept the fact that I am under alot of stress and "not knowing" at the moment - Allow me to explain: I finished university last May and applied to law school in Australia and have been accepted. However I am studyign for my LSAT which is a prerequisit text to be accepted in north america...That test I will do in February and if all goes well I will apply near home, which is Toronto, Canada. However at the time being I don't work, my schedual includes being home during the day, going to the gym, then studying for the test... I can't go out because I feel sick unless its something small time such as going for coffee. However even that can give me problems at times...

Possible Sollution:

I read a forum somewhere about someone who named a drug. It started with P and I believe was about 4,5 letters long. I cant find it now but I am very interested. If anyone knows please do let me know.

Understanding my condition from medical perspective:

I went to my dotor last week and he said it doesnt make sense...He sent me to a stomach specialist. The specialist told me; my Thyroid THS hormone is too high. The normal range is 2.5-5 mine was 8.something...So i did a new blood test and have yet to hear from the results. Also Because I feel my heart rate ellevate everytime before I feel sick, the specialist said to be safe she wants me to get my heart checked...I agreed and so i am going to have it checked in about 2 weeks time. I am almost certain my heart is healthy but I am goig nthrough with the testing and will provide any results I get.

My Proposal:

It appears to me after having read all the posts that we should all have something in common. Something that is putting us through this undesirable condition. I am going to list a few things I think could have contributed to my condition, please try to find a connection and make a post.

What could have caused it:
Protein Shake - weight gainer I took often not anymore.
NO-Xplode - A caffein drink ment to boost the mind and body before working out. It basically makes u really hyper. I believe my heart elevation might be related to this.
Fast food - This also falls under eating late. I sometimes eat at 2,3,4 am then go to bed.
Eating Habbits - Usually skip breakfast cause I sleep in.
Bad sleeping patterns - I sleep between 3-4am and wake up between 1-2 pm.
Lack of responsibility - The fact that I have nothing to do I think is causing anxiety. As before I would have school (university). I HAD to sleep early, get up on time and go to school. So I would have alot of homework and at times would be tired and would look forward to partying with no problems! Not even with alcohol in my system.
Uncertainity - I don't knwo what will happen with the test I have to do, Will I be accepted into law school here? Will I have to go to Australia? I guess general anxiety relating to the future and not being sure.

Anyways I appreciate everyone who read my post and If I find any leads on my search to an answer for this conditio nI wil ldefinanly let everyone know. As well I wil lkeep everyone posted on what my tests reveal.


hey im 17 and i lots of what ive read is sounding very familiar. Much of the time im not worried about a social situation more just the thought of vommiting infornt of people.

i have heaps of friends so obviously theres parties on every couple of weeks which i enjoy but on the way there my stomach starts feeling really weird and my mouth goes dry. Its strange because i really dont have anything to worry about and feel very comfortable with my friends. But now it seems without fail as soon as i get to a party i always make sure i know where the toilet is in case i feel sick. I was at a party the other night and thought i was going to be sick, went to the toilet but it managed to stay down. A little while after that i had one drink which seemed to instantly unsettle my stomach and i vommited. (i know alcohol didnt cause it because ive vommited beforei started drinking before.)

Another thing ive read here is people feeling sick when around someone they like. Ive had they same thing but luckily managed to not vommit infront of girlfriends before. Once i vommit and my stomach is empty i am totally fine and can enjoy the night with my friends.

As far as reasons for this go ive found some sites saying that nervousness is just your mind tricking your body. Your brain thinks your in physical danger and prepares your body for it (increased heart rate, tensed muscles, etc). This means your body diverts blood away from your digestive system to other parts of the body.

So as far as combating this take very slow deep breaths through your nose, holding it for a few seconds and then breathing out through your mouth should help with slow down your heart rate. Also ive heard that tensing different muscle groups and then relaxing them should reverse your body's natural process.

glad to see im not the only one going through this and hope i may have helped someone


whoa, this really impressed me guys... im 21 now, and from 17 or so i've been having exactly those problems... i'm a great social partner, i love to hang out, and i'm a good guy to party with... there is a big BUT, that is, girlfriends...

i've had a few, fortunatly all were comprehensive enough to support me in all the throwing up. i HATE it when i'm with her and all of the sudden, dont know why, i simply need to throw up. as you can guess, that means i can't hardly have a romantic dinner, and i wish i could have one without throwing up.

Actually, i think talking with your girlfriend helps, laugh, listen to music and try not to think of whatever can make you anxious. of course, as all of you know, that is easy to say, not to do.even today, i have her coming and dinner with me and spending the night over, like she did so many times before, and yet, here i am being all nervous about it =/ i cant eat much, and i wonder how i'll manage in dinner... of course, im thin, and i've got a summer to figure out why i'm that thin, cant be just because of this, "unfortunatly" lab results are pretty good. trying to go to some kind of psychiatrist or whatever it is written for food disorder problems, i wonder what he will say. i'll explain all these feelings to him and i'll report back when i got some news, so i hope i can help people.

cheers :)


Active member
wow I thought I was the only one out here that threw up...I was like this ever since I was little and now im 24 and its crazy bc its hard for me to go to my grandmas house and eat there bc Im scared my family is gonna look at me all weird bc I need to throw up. I always have gum or a pepermint with me and that seems to help me (sometimes) or I throw up before hand. Also whenever I want to throw up I cant hear no noices bc that will just make me throw up more especially if someone is there tryong to calm me down omg that just kills me . I know its so weird how the brain can control thing's. I want help I have tried breathing techniques and everything in the book but nothing helps me.
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New member
Hiya, I suffered with nervous vomiting for years, it reached it's peak in 2002 when I suffered so much I was losing weight and wasn't able to eat properly, I still suffer, but only in certain social situations, I no longer vomit uncontrollably through the day!


New member
Hey all, I suffer from this as well. It was a big problem at the start of my last relationship but I went to the doctor and was prescribed beta blockers which sorted me out. I only had to use them a few times (half an hour or so before seeing my gf) and after that I was fine and stopped.

Now I'm single again, the problem has reappeared. I went to the doctor and told her the story, so she prescribed me propranolol, 10mg tablets. The advice on the leaflet was to take 40mg before an anxious situation. I met up with a girl I really like on Friday night about half an hour after taking that dose. It calmed me down beforehand but after being with her for a few minutes I could feel myself needing to be sick, so excused myself and went to the toilet to throw up. After that I was fine and she didn't notice anything wrong.

I'm meeting her again tomorrow and deliberately picked a cafe that has customer toilets in case it happens again! I'll take the tablets again beforehand and hope that it helps. If not, hopefully I'll be able to nip to the toilet and discreetly throw up. Fingers crossed...


Well-known member
I, luckily, have never thrown up from nerves, but I do get nauseous because of them. I have a lot of stomach issues & I think they're mostly directly attributed to my anxiety.


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To ARMO, I've also taken NO-Xplode before as well as another BSN product I'm taking atm, and have taken weight gainer shakes in the past and not gotten these problems. I believe nervous vomiting to be a completely mental thing. Somebody explained it best when they said that when you're sick once in public (I remember when I was) and then when reminded even slightly of the stress that you went through before, you'll end up being sick again.

For me, it got to a stage where I was being sick almost every day before college and every time before I went to work. Now, I do get it sometimes, but I've surprised myself a lot. I've been the mentally strongest that I've ever been and just told myself I won't be sick and hung in there, even when I've thought I was going to be sick. I even managed to fly to a foreign country and keep a breakfast down beforehand two weeks ago. That surprised the hell out of me, pleasantly of course. I did throw up once on holiday due to a tough social invite, but other than that, I understand. I still get major anxiety towards the fear of being sick, it stresses you out beyond belief, I know. The battle isn't quite won yet, but I'm fighting hard.

I always to get rid of this, or even a replacement symptom that wouldn't be as bad, because nothing would be as bad as sickness, worrying about sickness, nausea, not being able to eat. Unfortunately I got my wish and was diagnosed a few months ago with a phobia towards anxiety related sweating. This is far more intense than the sickness and much more frequent, and something I worry about all the time. I cannot escape it or hide it like I could with sickness.