Recent content by Liesha27

  1. Liesha27

    Most Women and Me!

    You wonder why we get stalkerish and crazy after a massive break up? You wonder why we hate men so much of the time? Why does it take us a longer time to get over a break than men? Why are we so emotional? Why can't men give us the same exact support we need? I guess a woman just want a man to...
  2. Liesha27

    Ever felt NOT good enough for anyone?`

    Have you guys ever felt like because you were different that people have always been ashamed of you? Have you ever felt like NO one will like you? Have you ever felt like based on your life experience with others that you may not be good enough for anyone? I have felt all those feelings. I am...
  3. Liesha27

    Coming a Long Way to Home

    I came a long way, a long way from happiness Why can't I be happy? Is it me who is stopping ME from being happy? Or is it a reality to be: depressed, lonely, sad and unfeeling? So many people say life is what you make it I guess that is true BUT why is it that its so easy to say than done? Why...
  4. Liesha27

    Social Anxiety and Cutting and Trichotillomania

    I been so low and depressed lately, well not just lately but almost all my life. I can never really be myself and enjoy life without people controlling me. I feel like people are controlling me and I can't be in control of my own life. (I know you are wondering why). Ever since I was 12, I...
  5. Liesha27

    A Girl Who Went Thru Teenage Hell!

    It all started in fifth grade. Since then, I been bullied verbally, psychologically and even physically. I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself. I never looked right, I have extreme ance, I never had the right clothes. I had a few friends but they didn't know how to relate to me because...