I like watching children?


New member
When I'm in public and I see a child, I like to keep watching them until either they go out of view or I go somewhere where I can't see him anymore. Even if I'm in the middle of soemthing, I go out of my way just to see a child like if I hear childrens voices. I try to take in every single detail and then I can put them in my mind and use them in MD fantasies which are so clear and the elements are put together so well that it's almost as if I'm watching a movie but the only difference is that I'm able to control what happens. Also children are usually the main characters if you didn't already guess.

I know this is probably normal for people with MD but what I'm worried about is that people might start noticing me and think I'm a stalker or something worse. And as for the fatnasies themselves, yes I'll admit some of them involve bad stuff happening to the kids but I've never gone as far as killing off a child in a fantasy. The main reason for that I think is because whenever I hear about or see a child die in a movie or real life then it makes me really deppressed. On the other hand, it makes me really happy and brings my deppression down to %0 if they come out alive and well whether in real life or a movie. That %0 deppression is only temporary though. So basicly what I like doing is putting them through all this really terrible stuff and having them come out at the end of the story alive. I've noticed MD fantasies don't seem to have the same positive effect that movies of the same nature have.

So is Maladaptive Daydreaming soemthing I should work on getting rid of and does me wanting to watch children have something to do with it? Also what would people think if they notice me watching every move of a child.


Well-known member
Honestly, they could think you were a pedophile, especially if you are a guy. So, Id just try not to watch the children if I were you. You could also creep the children out and make them afraid of you. BUT, I can understand in a way. I love children and it's hard for me not to watch them too. I have never heard of maladaptive daydreaming before, but it sounds like something I may have myself. I've gotten a lot better at not daydreaming all the time, but it's still hard.