Holiday parties for work


Well-known member
Yeah, they're almost two months away, but who else is already freakin' out about them?

I sure am. First, I do not have a date to bring. I'm pretty positive that most everyone will bring a date (or at least a friend). I was talking to one girl and asked her if she thought everyone would have dates and she said no, but that you could just bring a friend. And I was sittng there thinking, "great, not only do I not have a boyfriend, I do not even have a friend I could bring." It's going to be even more difficult and uncomfortable without a "date" to sort of lean on.

Second, I don't really want to wear a dress (And I suspect most everyone will be dressed up and the women will be wearing dresses).

Third, I do not know how to mingle and/or make small talk. Like, at all. I can barely start a conversation, let alone add something to a conversation.

I can't believe I'm already completely freakin' out about this. We just recently got the invites. My company's holiday party is on December 6th.


Well-known member
I haven't had to worry about this for a few years - my company cancelled holiday parties to "cut costs". They were cutting into the CEO's burrito budget, evidently.

About once a year my boss has everybody over to her house. Oh, and we can bring a date. She still addresses my invitations as "Dave and guest", even though in 8 years I haven't come close to bringing a "guest" of any kind. It's nice to know that she still humors me after all these years.

Just ONCE I'd like to see the look on her face (and those of my coworkers) if I ever RSVP with a "guest".