Friendships & all.


Well-known member
I mess up most of my friendships and relationships. I just feel better alone. I don't mean to do this and it is bothering me as some of those friends are coming back into my life and I'm not sure how to handle it. Do I go ahead, heal those wounds or just let them go on their way?

I'm currently in such a bad place that I feel I have nothing positive to offer as a friend. I don't really want to go any where. No prospects or anything.

I don't think it's fair to have friends in my life when I'm not really a friendly person at the moment.


Well-known member
I think maybe you're being too hard on yourself. Do you not feel worthy enough to be their friend? If you feel like you want to improve yourself as a person, perhaps rekindling a friendship is a great way to do that. I have a friend whom I've known since my childhood who I was horrible to and pushed away and we didn't speak for months afterwards. After reflecting on what I'd done I realised I had done wrong and messaged her a long apology which she accepted. And to this day we're still really great friends! :)

Anyway, please don't feel like you have to be so hard on yourself, many people with SA push away friends and significant others and it may make you seem like a horrible person but I think you are probably a nice person!

Also you say you don't want to go out so I'm assuming you don't want to go outside with them? That's fine I think, there's plenty you can do indoors and social media is also a useful tool to talk to friends. Good luck :)


Well-known member
the only thing i get about friendships is that it's always quality over quantity. i tried making more friends but it's hard to make a few at once instead i make one every like 6 years and it just works better :) I can be your online friend if you like and then you can make some real good friends along the way!


Well-known member
Luka- You get it tons. I do feel like a horrible person. I do feel unworthy. I don't even understand myself when I do these things. A lot of my friends are nice. And the closer they are, the more I feel like...pushing them away. I know now, with where I am in life, I feel like I'm letting some people down. I've not achieved much in a really long time and that makes me feel like...unworthy or something.

LazyHermitCrab- Friendships are always welcomed, I think. I do have some friends. Like both real and online. And they are great. My issue is like ruining these relationships. I'm not sure if it's deliberate or something else.