Do you like Valentines day?


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As a single person?
It ofcourse holds no significance to me.
But I don't hate it.

If I had a girlfriend?
I could see it as being a fun holiday.

Yeah,You can(And should) show your partner that you love them everyday of the year.
It's not that you have to wait for the designated day to do so.
It's just...taking it a little further than you maybe normally would.
Playing along with the dumb holiday simply for the hell of it.
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For me it's just a holiday of other people, like most other holidays, christmas for example. It reminds me also of my grandmother from father's side, who was born and died around this day with 2 days apart.
I'm not a fan of the peopleyness of everywhere...and I don't like eating out its a minefield with food allergies. I don't like making a big fuss.

But I like the sentiment of a card or a text and maybe spending a bit of time with him on a Thursday evening when neither of us would usually have the time. It's been 8 years since I was last in a committed relationship on Valentines day.


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I personally can't stand it. Even if I didn't have SA I'd still hate it. I find it too commercial plus if you loved someone you'd make an effort all year round not just because it's Valentine's day, Christmas etc

I know what you mean. :3 But this year is different... <3 :]


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If I were in a relationship I would like it I guess.
It's a good time to make a surprise to your loved one because the mood is in the air. It doesn't have to be a holiday to buy gifts or go to an expensive restaurant, but I think ignoring the day and mood just because you don't like the commercial part is a bit silly.
I don't mean that you shouldn't surprise your loved one the rest of the year but I don't see a reason to skip Valentine's.

Christmas is nowadays a commercial holiday too. That doesn't stop me from getting together with my family. My family barely buys presents now, it's mostly a time to get together with the rest of the family and have some fun.

As a single person it doesn't bother me, I barely see commercials about it. Sometimes I can find something I wanted to buy for myself but was too expensive, and thanks to Valentine's Day it becomes much cheaper.
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No. The whole day is just one big reminder that I've never been in love and probably never will.


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It's just another day as far as we are concerned; though we will use it as an excuse to go out and get thai food. Other than that, I've always thought of it as a kids' holiday, so, I think all despondent adults should keep that in mind and not feel bad about it. Any mature and healthy couples I know don't usually put much emphasis onto it, unless they have kids.


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I am happily married to a wonderful woman but I hate Valentines Day myself. My reason is that I do special things for her often. We have date night every Friday evening, we go on little romantic getaways and I tell her I love her every day. So I feel it imposing to be expected to shower her with romance and gifts on February 14th when I do it regularly anyway.

I still feel that Valentines Day is neccessary for some. Unfortunately there are many wives and girlfriends that would never get anything special or go out to dinner if it weren't for Feb 14th. Sad but true.


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I've never had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and I still don't today, but I do have Fiona which is something more than I've ever had.

I say every day should be treated like valentines day - except valentines day.
February 14th should be Anti-Valentine's Day, where you can be cruel as you like to your significant other. Helps to relieve tension. ;)


Well-known member
I've never had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and I still don't today, but I do have Fiona which is something more than I've ever had.

February 14th should be Anti-Valentine's Day, where you can be cruel as you like to your significant other. Helps to relieve tension. ;)

And here was me thinking you were Mr nice guy. :bigsmile: