Can IPL Photofacials cure blushing?


New member
Hi everyone,
I've been a lifelong blusher and feel that my blushing-- especially my fear of blushing-- restricts my behavior to the point where I'm only fully confident in dark environments. As a result, I'm more likely to be a bartender for the rest of my life than ever become a teacher, or anything else that requires public speaking where my bright red face would be seen by all as an irrefutable sign of my embarrassment, immaturity, awkwardness, dishonesty, shame, etc etc. All those qualities that non-blushers assume about you because they equate blushing with an extreme internal struggle or shortcoming.
I've tried coming up with things to say to acknowledge, play off of, and move on from a sudden and obvious blush, especially things to say to handle the dreaded, "Oh my god, you're so red! Why are you so red?"
I've also been wearing heavy makeup, which affects my normally clear skin, and because I don't want to wear a complete mask laid on with a trowel, is only somewhat effective in concealing the mildest blushes.
I'm not interested in surgery-- the cost, the side effects, and the possibility that it might not even work all mean that it's not an option for me.
I have, however, recently become interested in rosacea treatments, particularly IPL Photofacial. As I understand it, this treatment works by destroying or shrinking the capillaries that cause the rush of blood to the face to be visible. I'm not sure if this means that, with enough treatments, you would be physically incapable of blushing, but I really hope so.
I was wondering if anyone out there has looked into this or had this done, and how effective it is. I'm going in for a free consultation to find out more info, but I'd love to get some real-life accounts of this treatment from fellow blushers and people who aren't trying to get me to fork over $1500.
Thanks for reading!


Active member
Hi Lydiak..I'ts funny when you read someone elses's as if you wrote it yourself..we are all so much a dark or dim room i too can talk and joke but put me in a well lit warm room and i fall to pieces.That proves to me that its all inside our heads and only you can cure it..I was going through the checkout today when the lady tried to make small talk and i felt that raging heat start to rise..i told myself its you,its you,its you thats causing this not anyone else and the blush went away and i got through it...there is no cure except yourself...face it head on or you will have a terrible life..I know, i'm 61 and been blushing for 48 years..for 45 of them years i thought i was the only one in the world..then i met all of you who are excatly like me...good luck in that lease it is not a many out have to be careful..nothing works from the post that i have read...head on..thats the only way..good luck