Why do I have such strong "aura"?


Active member
It's like whenever I'm there, people will immediately look & stare at me..
Walking along a corridor, people will look at me as if i'm alien or something.. even worse, they seem to express shock and uneasiness..

I m a person who gets stared a lot.. Dont know why... I think I may have a magnet residing in me.. I suppose I am just an ordinary person.. ::(:
having 2 eyes, 2 ears whatsoever.. not too ugly, not too pretty either..

I experienced this matter the most in my school.. arghh talking about school is making me sick..

Are you guys like this too? Strong "aura"?

Sorry for my bad english. It's not my first language.


Well-known member
Kind of.

My issue is that as a schizoid I don't show emotion much, if at all.

Therefore, my face tends to have a blank expression and people, whether they realize it or not, use your face as a gauge for how to react to you. With my blankness they don't know how to react to me so they feel uneasy around me.

Add to that I'm a guy with big muscles and almost look like I should be a mob enforcer.

All in all, people avoid me, which suits me fine because I don't care about them anyway. The only time it bothers me is when it relates to work. I am seen as the big dumb guy good for lifting heavy things, but in reality I'm sure my 129 IQ makes me smarter than 95% of them.


Well-known member
Back when I was in high school I used to play this game with myself where I would join a group of people and see how quickly they would disperse. If I do have a magnet it must be reversed to drive people away.


Well-known member
I don't think I have a strong aura as such. I know a strong aura when I see it and I don't have it, because i consciously inhibit my personality, presence, demeanor to be as invisible as possible. I get stared at a lot, and when I tell people that they just think I am paranoid. I used to think that the shape and colour of my face makes me stand out alot - striking long black shiny hair paired with really pale skin, Asian girl. I don't think it is necessarily ugly now, but just stand out. I noticed that when I got a tan I got practically no attention.

I find wearing sunglasses myself help me feel less self conscious, because no one can see my eyes and hence my unease, I suppose. If it makes you feel better, many people's features make them stand out (that might include an aura), and they probably get looked at a lot too, it's just that when it's your turn it feels like the world is staring at you.


Well-known member
i think people tend to look at me because i looked anxious (i might be shaking, or mu facial muscle completely freezed) so I kind of looked weird when I walked through people. My eyes looked down the ground, and the way I walked was a little bit weird because of my anxiety. All of that made people pay attention to me
Also, maybe the reason people were looking at you could simply because u r good-looking.


Well-known member
I've got that too... In fact, I just experienced it an hour ago, when I was in the snackbar.
I didn't know where to settle my eyes, so I watched the tv that was hanging there. And I immediately notice the guy next to me feels that I'm looking at him.

But I wasn't, I just don't want to look at anybody, because I feel uncomfortable. But then I have this a lot: when I try to look away, people look at me, and I can't help to be aware that they're looking, so I THINK (I'm not sure) that I make this fast eye movement towards that direction.

So in the end, the person thinks I was watching him / her all the time. It's so annoying.