the wall


Well-known member
On the few occasions which i do go hang out. Especially when its with people i'm not as familiar with, I can muster the enthusiasm to be somewhat social in the beginning. But after an hour or two i always hit this wall. Where I just think "gah, i'm tired, i don't want to talk, don't want to smile, dang the ground looks interesting, maybe ill study that for the rest of the day."


Well-known member
Yeh... after the initial 20 questions, where are you from, what do you do, blah blah blah. I just completely run out of things to say, and the dreaded awkward silence ensues.


Well-known member
ya, I really struggle to hold a conversation. I can't think of anything useful to say and I want to get the hell out of there before they think im an idiot. I can't even get myself to ask the initial 20 questions outside the internet =(