The Royal Wedding

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I'm sure the money could have been spent better.

Tax money is spent on a lot of things that can be considered unnecessary. How much will the taxpayer have to pay for Obama's totally unnecessary state visit to the UK next month? At least I got a day's holiday out of William and Kate's wedding.

This is my favorite picture from the whole wedding.
Give him a few years and he will look just like his dad, the transformation is already in progress, then how will you like him?

Nah he takes after his mother. He is just balding, which is a sign of high testosterone, evidence of this can be seen in the pics above::p:

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I don't see the big deal about them getting married. Hopefully thier wedding expenses are covered by the media instead of the taxpayers.


Well-known member
i'd rather the tax be spent on a wedding then wars. one thing that's funny is the cynical marketing for biscuit tins and plates with a royalty free (no pun intended) image of the happy couple.

let them be happy for the time being, it won't last anyways, look at charlie.;)

Lost Girl

Well-known member
There was wayyy too much hype in the lead up to it, but it was a beautiful wedding. Kate looked amazing, and the couple look so in love - that's always nice to see. I don't get the 'proud to be British' thing though I have to say. And about people asking what the big deal is - there is no big deal really, other than it's a royal wedding and a moment in history, if you don't think that's annything to make a big dealio over than that's your prerogative, go make some toast. Also, thread needs more Harry pics ;)

Well-known member
Tbh I would prefer if we had a republic, the last English king died In battle unlike the kings and queens of today, protecting his country in 1066. Why the hell are we holding onto something that doesn't even exist?

The British taxpayer only paid for the security. The Royal family paid for the actual wedding & Westminster Abbey etc.

Also, Prince Harry has served on the front line in Afghanistan (despite what people think of the rights and wrongs of the war) - he only left the conflict after the media released info on his locations which would have made members of his platoon specific targets.

Wow. That was my first post in forever. :D
The British taxpayer only paid for the security. The Royal family paid for the actual wedding & Westminster Abbey etc.

Also, Prince Harry has served on the front line in Afghanistan (despite what people think of the rights and wrongs of the war) - he only left the conflict after the media released info on his locations which would have made members of his platoon specific targets.

Wow. That was my first post in forever. :D

Tell me, where did the royal family get it's money from? The treasury (the taxpayer).

Also every dude in the royal family has to do "something" to look the part. Prince Charles is in charge of the paras, you think he's even jumped out of a moving plane at a thousand feet?

Prince Harry saw no action, do you really believe the British military is that stupid to let a Royal on the front line? He played his "heroic" part by standing around with 10 Special Forces babysitting him while he played solider. Besides he isn't even a royal he looks more like Major James Hewitt (Notice how he isn't balding) and he is still stealing off the taxpayer. Ever wondered why never ONE royal was an actual airforce pilot (I'm talking about fighter jets). Because it takes an Intelligent person to enter the ranks of the royal airforce I think you need a minimum of 190 IQ to even get selected.Also one other thing that annoys me, why the hell do most of the blokes in the royal family have thousands of medals and campaign ribbons? Makes a mockery of all the people that actually got medals and served in those campaigns in my opinion. Someone sat on their arse in Buckingham palace (Eg Philip the Greek) gets the same medal as someone that actually served and put his life on the line.

Madness, all it is then is pieces of metal that signify nothing when the royal family wears them.
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I'm glad it's over,I hated how it was on every normal channel over here. While I wasn't against them getting married like some people, I didn't like how people were arrested for speaking out against it.

I don't understand why it makes everyone proud to be British. To me they kind of symbolize everything which is wrong with this country, like a minority holding the majority of wealth. Didn't Prince Philip say he wanted to come back as a deadly virus to solve the "population problem", or how about him laughing at kids when he visited underprivileged areas and asking "so how many of you are on drugs"

Maybe I shouldn't judge them all on a bad apple, But Diana seemed the only one who genuinely gave back and did serious charity work, and look how the royal family treated her. It was kind of nauseating to see that display of wealth when we still can't provide housing for the young/old and vulnerable in our communities.