Situation - Not Necessarily Bullying


New member
I'm a cool guy, pretty funny around my friends and such. I skateboard a lot, too, and most people know me for it. I'm usually having a good time with everybody, but there's just a small problem that seems to be bothering me recently. Looking for some advice with it if possible.

This one kid thinks he's real tough because he's Italian, and he sees me as a weak person. I'm not weak at all, but I appear to be because of my size. I actually train for fighting and such, and I never have to "stand up" to a bully because my humor is usually enjoyable around anyone.

I joke around and make everyone else laugh when he gets pissed off at me. I don't say anything necessarily mean at him, but I make jokes about him trying to act tough occasionally. Sometimes I don't even say something at him and he'll come up in my face and start pushing me. I just keep joking like it doesn't bother me, but it's a bit annoying how he does it.

However, it's not just that which is the problem here. Every time he's aggravated with me for whatever reason, he'll drop my skateboard to the ground, not real hard, but it pisses me off in my mind. His dad is a cop and his parents love him even though he completely disrespects them when others are around. I don't want to go beat him up even if he deserves to be, though, since that's not who I'm trying to be. Some guys get friends by being tough; I just choose not to take that path.

I'm looking for a way to get back at him for smashing my board around, since I don't want to appear as a serious guy like him. Everyone thinks he's an idiot for getting so worked up about things when I'm at his place. I train for self defense only, and I'll never serve the first punch. If he pushes me, I usually swing around his arms so he'll push away, but he's not abusing me.

If he tried to hit me, I'd beat the shit out of him for sure. It's just the fact that because in my mind I think, "He's kind of bullying me," but people don't see it that way at all. Most kids are like, "If you touch me, I'll punch you dead in your face, man. No joke." For me, it's like, "Yeah, do it. Go ahead. If you hit me, then I'll come at you, dude." I don't say it, though; it's a thought.

So if you have suggestions, please help. Understand that I'm in high school--the attitude between everyone is much different than if you're an adult. I'm looking for "student" answers in particular if you have anything to share.
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Tom24, this answer is from a Newbie User and a high school student!

From what I make of this, the Italian guy acts tough for image. You joke and insult (at times) this guy for entertainment. The Italian gets mad, and damages your skateboard for you jokes. You are mad, and want to punch this guy.

The ideal way to solve this is for both of you to talk and say "I am not the enemy." If that isn't possible, you should just take it in. You are only lighting his fire (of anger!) by joking and making fun of him. You are "a cool guy" after all, this Italian might just be hurt because he doesn't have as much friends.

That's my take on this. No offense if I caused any.
im not one for violence either man. It souns like u really like skateboarding and this guy is getting to u the only way he knows how to. I agree with lacrotix in that he might be jealous of u just being u and still having alot of friends, where as he doesnt have as much. Maybe u need to talk to him on a serious note and tell him about dropping ur skateboard, and not joke around about it anymore. If he doesnt listen... i mean there is only so much a person can take. Im sure u wont be looked at in a bad light after all he does it in front of ppl so they would know how u have avoided doing this. Might get u suspended tho. But just talk to the guy on a serious note wen no one else is around tell him to quit it


Well-known member
One small question, why did you chose this forum for advice?

It doesn't even sound like you have SA, no offence (if it's even possible to take that in an offensive way lol)

But here goes, i've never had anything against getting physical. Punching him 'dead in the face' might be a little over the top, especially if you want to avoid little annoyances like a life sentence, but don't be scared to give him the fright of his life. He has it coming to him and completely deserves it, as he's obviously causing you some distress. However, make sure that you exhaust the oter possibilities first, violence in my opinion is only effective if you use it wisely, if you can scare him away through other means (verbal threats, telling some authoriative figure about him who can deal with him more efectively) then make sure you use those instead. Keep training though, and if you feel one day that the moment is right to teach the little **** a lesson, then you'll know you're ready :D



Well-known member
at a glance, I'd say he has a major point to prove, and the fact that (at least in his mind) you aren't giving him the respect he feels he deserves is aggravating him. You poke a rhino enough times and it will charge, Savvi?

Sounds like he's jealous of you. Im sure you've heard that before, but if he feels he needs to act tough, it's most likely because he feels he has someone to live up to. His dad maybe? or maybe he thinks he's in the Mafia or something. maybe deep down he's actually insecure. If you ask me he's to be pitied. He probably does what he does to your skateboard because he feels that that's all he can do. If you are as popular as you say, if he lays into you, he'll probably become even less popular than he is now.

You're lucky to have friends, the way i see things, you're higher up in the social hierarchy than he is, and everyone can see this, therefore, it's up to you to be the better man and walk away.

I don't mean to sound like I'm judging you man, because I'm not - but like you said in the title it's not necessarily bullying. This guy is pissing you off. Take a serious tone with him and just tell him to "back off".

So yeah, go figure :)


Well-known member
One small question, why did you chose this forum for advice?

It doesn't even sound like you have SA, no offence (if it's even possible to take that in an offensive way lol)

hahaha, quite right, how the hell could that be taken offensively? xD

person 1: Dude, you don't have social anxiety
person 2: STFU I HATEZ YOU
