Secretive and private


Well-known member
I'm a really secretive and private person, but it's mostly because i am extremely modest. For example i got a new car a few months back and i didn't tell anyone at my workplace that i'd got it, and after they noticed someone told me '' Why didn't you tell us you'd got a new car!?''....But why should i? I mean i am not a person who goes around flashing and showing off. The same goes for anything else i buy for myself; I prefer people to find out for themselves. Can you relate?


Well-known member
Yeah I think I'm quite a private person but i would love someone who i didn't have to be secretive about.. wouldn't you?! I suppose when I get new stuff I don't really tell everyone because I feel like I'm boasting but I wouldnt mind telling people i talk to most, like my family.
I agree too. I never talk about my private life at work, even though I have very little of one. I can also relate about you not boasting about new purchases, I'm much the same, I'd rather somebody asked me about it than me just come out and tell people. But like you Eve, I would like somebody close to trust and tell these things to. I just haven't met that person yet.



i can relate to this. A few weeks ago, i passed my drving test and got my licence. i dint tell anyone about it. At school teachers ask me why am so reserveed. I like to keeping my bussiness private. lol :D I feel guilty when i show off.


Well-known member
Hmmmmmm i'm not really like this underneath, if i get something new i usually want people to comment on it.........i guess im very insecure and kinda no self confidence so i have to have feedback on whatever i do.

It's not like i show off what i got as a sentence opener or anything.........but i'll probably subtly make people notice it, drop a new wallet, pretend to trip over new shoes............hmmmm lol i need to get outta my head 8O

But i think it might be because i rarely get new stuff, i guess im just like a kid who gets some new red boots and wears them in

not that i still do that.....
Very much so, not about general things... but feelings and emotions definately. I find it very hard to express myself to people unless they specifically ask me how I am. If I feel upset/anxious I can't explain why to my friends because I feel I would only be 'dragging them down' with me or something. I think it's because when I have tried to explain.. they don't seem to understand or realise how much of an effect things have on my life. Or in the past I have said I am feeling upset (which takes quite alot) and they'll dismiss the fact, not intentionally I don't think but just kind of avoid asking WHY, which is what I need to let my feelings out. I remember telling my best friend I had broke down crying in front of the doctor and that he's going to refer me to a councillor and she was like 'is the councilling free'... and I dunno, it just made me think aren't you concerned about WHY? It really doesn't help not expressing myself properly though. I just feel unsupported and like I can't tell anyone... I guess I feel really unsupported, I could never bring to telling my parents to any of my problems, It would make me feel so weird. If I was to tell my friends how I actually felt inside they'd be shocked, I'm very good at putting on my happy face.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I'm a really secretive and private person, but it's mostly because i am extremely modest. For example i got a new car a few months back and i didn't tell anyone at my workplace that i'd got it, and after they noticed someone told me '' Why didn't you tell us you'd got a new car!?''....But why should i? I mean i am not a person who goes around flashing and showing off. The same goes for anything else i buy for myself; I prefer people to find out for themselves. Can you relate?
totally relate..i really don't share anything about my life with anybody..and in my old job..when i got a new truck..not brand new..but new to me :wink: coworkers were like 'who's truck is that?' and i'm like..quietly.. 'mine'..they seemed baffled that I hadn't said anything up to that point :? Meanwhile, anyone else there would have started weeks back..going on and on with each and every detail of the process :roll:


Well-known member
I can definitely relate. Even for something as simple as getting my hair cut. I won't then be like, "hey, I got my haircut. How's it look!?" to every person I see. I'll just let others notice for themselves. Like I just got my haircut this past weekend, and today one of my friends noticed and was like, "hey, did oyu get your haircut?'

I guess it's just because I like for people to be observant themselves.

Also, I don't like telling people certain things because then I feel like they will have expectations of me. I got a job at Target for the holidays, but then I quit after a week because I didn't like it much and they were giving me too many hours. Well, I actually did make the mistake of telling people that I got a new job, so I set myself right up to be embarrassed or whatever about already having quit the stupid job.


Yup, absolutely! I just cannot bring myself to "toot my own horn" -- no pun intended, Recluse. I didn't tell anyone at work when I bought my new car either -- didn't see the sense in it. It will come up eventually in the course of conversation down the road at some point.