read my story



hello. let me tell you what happened to me:

when i was little i was a very normal kid. i would usually get in trouble due to my constant need of "seeing what happened if i do this" thing. this was all well and normal. as i grew up to 6th grade i matured and shit so i wasnt so wild.

then, after coming to chile after a year in USA (being chilean myself), i got to 6th grade.

at first everything was great. people really liked a new kid coming in the middle of the year (classes in chile start in january, unlike USA where they start in july), so i was pretty much the center of attention the first couple of days.

afterwards, there was this idiot guy who started to bully me. at first i didnt know what to do about him. i was getting constantly nagged by him at every possible opportunity. it got to a point where i was afraid to go into the classroom for fear of getting bullied. after i went home and my mom asked me how i did in school i always told her i did good and that i´d made loads of friends, but it wasnt true. afterwards, all the time being bullied, i would see everyone else talking to people in a normal way, and i would get extremely jealous of everyone because i was unable to do so. it was like every time i tried to talk to anyone i felt like either i was doing the wrong thing or i was gonna do the wrong thing. i felt anxious, but was still able to talk to people.

at home, i would usually come home to play video games, as it helped me relax and forget all the bullying that i suffered.

this went on and on through the year, until i got to 7th grade.-


im sorry it happened. jst ignore them. Bullies r wasting their own time, energy etc. they r the losers.x