Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Wellbutrin, which one to use?


Well-known member
Hi, maybe someone can give me some advice.
I've been on Paxil for four years now for depression, and it helped at first, but lately I've been really down and I started developping social anxiety, so I think I've developped some sort of resilience to it because i dont think its working for me anymore. I increased it to 40mg, but I've had bad side effects like trouble sleeping, so im thinking of getting off it and trying something else. Prozac was a no-no for me, but do you guys have any suggestions of what worked for u? Or maybe what to avoid?



Well-known member
Well, Layla, it really depends on the person. Things that work for one person will have no effect on the other and it really sucks, but you may end up experimenting for a while before you find the right drug.

Zoloft worked wonders for me all through high school. Right now I have changed to Prozac and once it starts building in your sysem, you really feel a positive effect. It takes a while to get the right dosage, a few weeks in fact for your body to get used to something new, so try to be patient and give it a chance. Good luck! :D


Well-known member
i've been on paxil for three years and hate it. i tried to switch to welbutrin b/c of the side effects.

my psychologist told me to switch over cold turkey over the course of a week. i ended up back in the psych's office begging to be seen b/c i was so depressed. at school we don't have near enough counselors so i had to wait two hours to talk to someone for 10 min.

it was a nightmare, so make sure the doc tells you to take the switch slow and not to do it all at once. usually it takes me about a month to get off paxil without discomfort. just some advice.


Well-known member
I've been on Paxil and Zoloft... Paxil made me 100 x worse than I actually was. Zoloft didn't really help me.


Layla, from what my pschychiatrist said, meds work diffrently for people. So there is no other choise than to TRY.

In SSRI class, it is said that if you try 2 meds from it, and you don't respond, than it's no use 2 try the others.

Of course SSRI is no 1 in curing SP, but there is also IMAO and benzodiazephines.

IMAO have a lot of sides effects, but if it works, would you give it up ?
Benzodiazephines works on the same receptors in the brain like alcohol does, so you need more and more and more...

So in conclusions you should try. U can't know from the start witch one works for you. I'm in my 9 month of treatment and haven't found the drug to work for me, if there is one.

Good luck and PATIENCE. :wink: