Do I Have OCD??


Well-known member
hello, my name is Danny but everyone calls me Fred

Over the last month ive been told by a few family members that i show certain signs of OCD, i ignored it at first thinking they were just teasing me but after the 3rd person telling me, it got stuck in my head so i googled it and after reading up on it i became worried so i did some online tests (7 in total just to be sure). the first 2 said yes, the others said maybe except the very last one which said i didnt have it.
its been stuck in my mind for about a week now so decided to ask on a forum, the first one i asked on i got no response so i came here.

i asked my mum and sister what they noticed about me that made them think i have OCD and i got these answers.

i wash up in a certain order (plates, bowls, mugs, glasses, knives and forks, and finishing with pots and pans) and when im done everything is put away in a certain way (plates on the rack from large to small, spoons, forks, knives, teaspoons with the draw)

i also make alot of lists, going through 3 notepads and what i have pinned on my notice board i counted them all and it came to over 40 lists in total varying from things i want to get, what i need to complete a collection like names of james bond films and what year they were released and what armour and weapons to get within a game.

also all my pens and pencils when put away have to have the writing on them facing forwards and DvD's/CD's have to be put in the cases and shut propally, i get annoyed and angry when they're left out or not put away.
anyway thats a few of the things i was told i do, after reading up on it i realised a few other things i recognise i do, such as:

at night i make sure all downstairs windows and doors are locked and make sure the cooker, toaster and mircowave is turnt off.

if i make a mistake when writing something on paper i will tear it up and start over even if it was the last word on the page.

i often have alot of agrresive thoughts.
like on saturday i was in london celebrating my 21st birthday with my dad and we was just chatting and having dinner when i suddenly got the urge to hit my dad with the plate and jump on his head, i kept picturing this in my mind and the only way i could stop it was by looking away and drinking my drink.

and sometimes i have strange sexual thoughts, it tends to vary normally picturing a family member naked or having sex with them, having sex with underage girls and once thought about having sex with our dog. i didnt do any of them but when i tried to get rid of the though i got nervous and started to get really hot and had to leave the room and pace back and forth in another room thinking about something completely different.

sometimes i will see something on tv or film about someone dieing or killing themself and i think to myself if i go and jump off a building just to get away, they tend to go away pretty fast when i think about someone i care about crying.

when im trying to do something either a game, building somethings or working and i mess it up or cant do it i start to angry and start insulting what im doing and after awhile if i still cant do it il start to hit things or in some cases i have gotten so angry i lashed out and hit myself in the head with what ever is near me or i squeeze my head as hard as i can and scream.
(only way i manage to calm down is by putting some music on, laying down and closing my eyes)

i get very nervous outside aswell, i avoid it as much as possible, i always get the feeling im being followed as if something bad is going to happen like getting mugged or killed.
if i see someone looking in the general direction of where i am i stare back and start to feel judged which tend to make me angry which brings up aggressive thoughts of me going over to them and hitting them several times.

sorry it was a bit long but i wanted to cover it all.

going by what ive put do you think i could have signs of OCD or is it something else?
if so should i go to my doctor about it?

thanks in advance
