Comb or Brush?


Well-known member
Which is better for your hair. I use a comb (not the wide tooth) for now because I heard paddle/round brushes are not good for your hair, even if it's wet. And do combs make your hair grow a little faster then brushes do?

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I use my fingers to put my hair into a mohawk, otherwise I either don't brush or comb my hair until I go to drill and then I brush it because I don't have a comb..


Well-known member
Wow, I've never put that much thought into it. I use a brush--not a paddle brush, but the kind with individual metal bristles.


Well-known member
I don't know about making your hair grow faster, I've never heard that. If you have curly hair though, it's best not to brush or comb at all because it makes it crazy frizzy since it separates the strands (and I think the curls break easier that way...?). I have curly hair and every day I just run my fingers through it with some product. The only time I use a comb is to part my hair and bangs after I shower or when I take my hair down after having it up.

As for other hair types, I'm not sure which brushes would work best.
I always use combs. Brushes leave my hair too frizzy (not to mention charged with static electricity)- the same reason I never blow dry my hair. I've never heard that one method is necessarily "better" or makes your hair grow faster. My aunt is something of a beautician, she used to cut hair, but now mostly does people's nails, but what I do know from her is that your hair stays healthier (and grows faster) when you have regular trims.


Well-known member
I cannot use a comb unless my hair has been brushed thoroughly because it's far too thick and a comb will just get stuck.
I use a brush with prongs first- and then a paddle brush made from horse hair. haha

Most days though, I just run my fingers through my hair and leave it natural and wavy.
It's going to be tangled either way-- brushed, it'll dry a bit straighter.

I don't know which way makes your hair grow faster-- but daily stimulation to the hair follicle and eating properly and staying hydrated are all factors as well.
My hair grows fast. A year ago, it was chin length and now it's nearing my mid-chest.
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