Anyone here knows someone who got cured from SAD/AvPD and is now living a normal life


Active member
Guys this thought really bugging me,I have SAD/AvPD alright,I already accepted that.But do we have a chance to get out from this disorder?Or do we have to live with this to rest of our ****in life?Anyone can answer me?


My SA is mostly in remission but I still have problems now and then. Most likely you wont find anyone on here who has because if they did they would have no need to be on an SA board now would they? And as far as I know there is no cure for AvPD, its your personality and its with you for life.


Active member
Thats sad,if that means i have to live with this for my entire life but as i said I accepted this as part of me so its ok.I can deal with this.But for instance Id be cured from this disorder I would be still visiting this board to give inspiration to those who still suffer.How about you if you got cured would you stop coming over here in this board?


Well-known member
If you have a personality disorder you're sort of stuck with it. That's not to say that you can't make it better and learn to make it more manageable.


Well-known member
I know someone who is currently (and has for the last 5 years) been avoidant and is trying to make strides in this. Is he cured? No, i don't think he ever will be either.

He has love shyness and it does cause avoidance in CERTAIN SITUATIONS ONLY just with women, the one he's attraced to and anyone who shows romantic interest in him...i believe its inexperience with women, intimacy & love, very low self esteem and on some level self loathing. But he does try..i see it, i just feel its never going to be enough.

His anxiety is just too overwelming when it comes to females he likes. Its only in this situation that he is like this. He is fine with all other people and has a great upbeat, funny personality!

He does try though...even saying hello to a woman he's attracted to and having a small converstion is ALOT for him. But like i said somedays he tries to the best of his ability..other days he's completely avoident and hides and i feel so sorry for him.

I liked him so much for so long but i had to let go of that and him...i just couldn't wait for something that was never going to be. But he does try still when he's able to be around me and handle his anxiety.

Its so sad even now, all these years later :(


I used to have a lot of social issues and anxiety especially when I talked to women, but one day I decided that I wasn't going to it drag me down I told myself to not be shy and always try to show confidence (even though I wasn't at all) because I didn't want to live like that the rest of my life. I started very small, for example every time I went to a store I would make small talk with the cashier or with another costumer no matter how anxious I felt inside. Over time I saw myself progress I started being less shy and I could carry on a conversation even with a girl! I cannot express how much better my life got. And after I got the initial bit of confidence things just got better, because I built on it. Everytime I carried on a good conversation and made a new friend (You can make plenty if you open up no matter how hard it seems) my confidence grew and grew and I could talk and flirt and joke with girls with no problem. One very important factor of it was getting myself to not always be asking in the back of my mind: Oh my god what does this person think about me? Do they think I'm ugly? or weird? after I was able to push this out of my mind (trust me it was very hard) everything began to flow so much better in social situations. I don't know if I've been completely cured of my social anxiety but it sure as hell has gotten better in the last couple of months?


Well-known member
im 35 years old and have had SA/avoidance pd my entire life..i have went to therapy for it and tried many medications and they all helped/hurt in several areas..therapy helped somewhat but over the years i have lessened my SA but my avoidance is still deeply engrained..i simply cant imagine not living an avoidant lifestyle, its almost who i am as crippling as that has ruined my life but i simply cant shake it to any large degree..

serious relationships are impossible for me still..friendships are tolerable but almost pointless for me as i live like a hermit..all these years of avoidance has eroded my need for other people..whatever thats good or bad i dont know.

i highly doubt anyone that has had avpd and been c'ured' would be posting on these forums..i know if i was cured i would actually be out there living!sorry to say there is no cure for this pd..


Well-known member
are yous serious... AVPD IS NOT PART OF YOUR PERSONALITY !! hahahaha sorry I am just laughing at the negative responses here and YOU DO NOT need to live with it for the rest of your life lol as I have cured mine :)

The therapy that changed my life was core belief engineering ( the whole reason for being avoidant is a defense mechanism (that we formed at some point in our life) to protect us from getting hurt if you think back on your life think of experiences and moments that you were hurt, rejected and criticized AND you mispercieved them and took them personally ... all those events added up until you developed a defense against them (people like us most likely had highly critical parents, were emotionally abandoned, bullied in school and continuously rejected)

It can all be fixed it is just programming and IS NOT PART of our personality at all ... the therapy I went through changed my beliefs at the core and now I am living life to the fullest again ;)


Well-known member
^^no offense then but what are you doing here posting on this forum then?if its to help others then fine.a personality disorder cannot be cured, it can be lessened.everything i have read on avpd is more about lessening the symptoms and learning how to make small improvements so you dont let it rule your highly skeptical of anyone that claims they are cured of their avoidant nature.then again it all depends on the severity as well

i know if i was cured i might drop in here once a year but beyond that i would be out there LIVING!trying to make up for the lost time.


Well-known member
^^no offense then but what are you doing here posting on this forum then?if its to help others then fine.a personality disorder cannot be cured, it can be lessened.everything i have read on avpd is more about lessening the symptoms and learning how to make small improvements so you dont let it rule your highly skeptical of anyone that claims they are cured of their avoidant nature.then again it all depends on the severity as well

i know if i was cured i might drop in here once a year but beyond that i would be out there LIVING!trying to make up for the lost time.

I come on here once in a while (when I am at work only because I work on a computer) you have only read about the SYMPTOMS of the disorder, but do you know WHY and HOW they were formed in the first place...personality disorders involve some serious deep digging around to get to the core of the issues...avoidance personality to put it bluntly is when you have rejected so many aspects of yourself and when you feel so much shame that you do not want to be around others because you are not being your true self anymore... tell me what family background did you come from was it dysfunctional...were you rejected..are you of a sensitive nature, did you "mispercieve events because you had the belief that you were worthless so therefore you took everything personal and to heart?

The KEY to freedom is to re-examine your beliefs about yourself, to discover who you REALLY are beneath all the layers of crap and programming you accepted from your parents, peers, teachers THERE IS THE REAL YOU

psychologists only know about the symptoms of disorders they do not know WHY they are happening and believe they are to complex to solve which is not true YES they are complex and totally fixable .... what you believe becomes reality for you...if you believe you are worthless then you will procrasinate till the day you die and not want to do anything...find it hard to do your daily choirs..if you believe you dont have the right to speak up then you wont and so forth .... do a search on google for "core belief engineering" and have a read of the articles you will feel so enlightened and you will see WHY you have become the way you are


Well-known member
It's been a while since I've come back to this forum.

I have AvPD. It was awful when I was first diagnosed with it. These days, I am really busy with classes (15+ hours a week) and working (30+ hours a week). It's generally a "normal life" for an introvert, when not working or studying in public, for the most part, I'll lock myself away in my room.

Honestly, though, in my experience, I haven't been able to "cure" AvPD. My social skills got better, I'm more higher functioning, but if anything, I've become so used to anxiety by now that my instability is bringing me closer and closer to Borderline Personality Disorder.

Although my coping strategies might be at fault. To cope with the abysmal self-esteem and lack of sense of self, I simply dissociated from whoever the real me is, and created [another] outer facade.

I suppose I can't say I'm "cured", though, so my post is kind of irrelevant.