Adive plz


New member
Now i know you arent doctors, but i just wanted an opinon.
I had OCD when i was very young, it was hard because i was too young to realize how abnormal it was and my parents just thought of it as a childish querk. One day i made myself stop, and it stopped for good.
Although i think i doubt myself too much, and in social settings i hold back when i know i have a lot to say but dont. Do you think parts of the OCD are still around? Or maybe its just nerves and nothing more. Hmm...


I cant comment from your point of view because mine has never really stopped since i had it...though i have had a day or so, when i havn't done any or as many rituals...i think OCD is something that never really goes away, it's just more a case of being able to control it, which is why you still feel it sometimes, and why some people regress. Don't let it come back hun,you should be so proud of yourself for stopping like that...It will only return if you let it. Apparently this works though, everytime you feel bad or like doing something that seems like it could be OCD, use a time rule, so stop yourself for say..15 mins, then see if you still feel like that, and if you do, find something else to do that you enjoy, then the feeling wont be as strong. Best of luck.. (never tried that myself though)