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  1. S

    Finally I've asked for help

    So after many years of struggle and at the age of 35 and with no direction as to how I can try and reverse this regular doom and gloom that envelops me, I thought I'm going to seek help from a counsellor who can understand my religious, ethnic and cultural background and may be help me for the...
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    Gym etiquette

    I've said it for many years going as far back as my 20s that I want to join a gym and "tone up". Unsurprisingly that hasn't happened. Now I'm slightly overweight and at 35, I want to improve my physical health, my diet and hopefully it helps with my mental health. There is a leisure centre...
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    Other people's comments that floor you

    In a new job, I recently had a work appraisal. I completed the form with my manager, who returned it to me with her comments about my performance. Her comments didn't surprise me as she has vocalised how well she thinks I'm doing but to see it written and the words used such as: "driven"...
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    Hi Has anyone heard of or accessed any support with Kooth? Absolutely new to me but I came across it from a forum I visit and it seems interesting to access support online in a chat function that is confidential.
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    Compensating people around you for your anxiety?

    Hi, I've explained to my wife about my anxiety and when it flares up specifically and even though it has been good to share, I still feel there's no-one who really gets me and my struggle. This has affected her and my children and continues to - it seems - very regularly when every other week...
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    Will I get found out?

    Hi, I've started a new job recently and after being in post for over a month, I had a few days where I really felt I would be found out by my new colleagues. I like to think I interview well and perhaps that gives an impression to others that I'm this confident person who is the type of person...
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    Tired of being ignored for the extroverted

    Man, I'm so tired of decades of being ignored by cousins and family friends for the extroverted, in this case, my brother. He's so extroverted, confident, fearless that he is so, so good at creating, developing and maintaining relationships with our family networks. Even people who are my...
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    What do you do to help move on from anxiety episodes?

    Hi, My wife and children have bore the brunt of anxiety episodes, including my mood swings, and previously we talked about writing my emotions down after an episode that might help her understand as I find it impossible to talk about it to share and move on. That hasn't happened, it takes 2-3...
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    Visiting places that give anxiety

    I no jack all about cars and maintaining a car and having to know what all that entails gives me great anxiety. This leads to anxiety on visiting a garage to discuss a repair with someone who is more knowledgeable but also at times he can be quite blunt and unapproachable. I take it to this...
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    How to deal with isolation at work?

    I've had a day at work where I would have been better off invisible. There's a group of people who are all very friendly with each other, excessively loud, and managers who add to that environment rather than have a balanced approach between work and levity. They barely will make conversation...
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    Is anyone who has anxiety a good writer?

    When I was young and anxiety hadn't taken over my life, I really wanted to be a sports journalist, specifically writing on soccer. I completed my education all the way to University with that goal in mind. However, perhaps during the latter end of my University days I began thinking: "I'm not...
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    Anxiety at work

    It has been six months since I undertook more duties including being a line manager for a colleague, which I felt - with my anxiety - would be a positive challenge and to progress my career. However, despite my support in areas my colleague, who is 18, has been appreciated there have been times...
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    I've had a driving anxiety episode...

    Now, my history with driving a car has been a very traumatic experience from 16 years of age when I started the car for my brother and hitting the nearby wall! I passed in 2009 and at that time, I didn't have funds to buy a car. In 2012, I did and I bought a car which proved a costly experience...
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    About to start a new role and I'm nervous...

    So, unbeknown to all at work, I suffer from anxiety (I hide it well, hence why many people say I'm calm on the outside) and get really anxious in some situations when it comes to talking in groups, or confronting difficult people and situations. Now, I've accepted a role that will see me line...
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    After an anxiety filled moment, forgetting the conversations?

    So, today, after a long time I can only describe that I underwent an anxiety moment that left my heart beating doubly quick, my hand shaking and stuttering my words. One of my work colleagues is a very disliked individual with a short fuse but generally I've got on well with him. Today, I told...
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    How to respond when being teased

    At work with one of my colleagues who is humorous and a tad popular with younger members of the team, I find myself getting upset (not externally) that when he makes jokes at my expense that I can't respond. My strategy is to laugh it off, but I just am unable to say anything in response. If...
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    Feeling jealous/envy of others

    I've always been jealous others relationship in the sense that if I was friendly with someone and I saw them having a much better time with another person, I'd feel frustrated that they weren't doing that with me. I'm insecure and not that good with social relations hence why if I do make a...
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    I feel awkward in work meetings

    I've been in my job for three years and for as long as I can remember, I've always been shy and anxious. But I do like and am grateful for the job I have as it has provided its challenges and stressful periods (most if it linked to dealing with difficult customers on the phone and in person)...
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    Do you respond well to the carrot or the stick?

    I was thinking how my family manages me and my personality and thought rather than criticising me in public or sly jabs about me weaknesses in any aspect of my life. Rather than the aforementioned approach, I react well when someone puts an arm round me and provides support rather than...
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    First driving refresher since 2009

    Hi, I had a refresher lesson today after a long spell (2013) not driving for various reasons (anxiety, lacking confidence) and one of my areas to improve on is bigger roundabouts. I get a tad nervous and find waiting, going for the right gap, then changing gears, turning the wheel to go round...