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  1. J


    Anyone else unemployed and feel completely lost? I was laid off from my clerk job at the end of last year because basically I was "too quiet" (SA) although I was there for 4 months. I've recently been trying to get my previous job before the clerk job at Mcdonald's back that I left after 4...
  2. J

    What if everything was reversed?

    By everything I mean if SA was the social norm. Does that mean everyone that was generally outgoing would be considered odd and awkward? How different humanities social structure would be if that were true. Would that mean that everyone without SA have to rely on CBT or medication etc. to get...
  3. J

    Introducing myself

    Hey other forum users, I'm 19 and from a small town in BC and have been living with some form of social anxiety since about middle school. When I was younger it was something so stupid and neurotic as being afraid and avoiding to eat in a classroom, to now where I have semi-panic attacks when I...