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  1. W

    OCD with popping zits and pulling out hair

    Who else has OCDs like this? I pop zits everyday and I am ruining my face I am going to get sooo many scars! Also I can sit for 2 hours just pulling hairs out of my legs for example Sounds gross I know, But HOW DO I STOP??
  2. W

    Could I be taking a PLACEBO?

    I have been on sertraline 50mg for a couple of months now and it was working great. eventually I started taking 2 50mg (=100mg) and felt even better! Things were really looking up!! I asked my psychiatrist to prescribe me 100mg pills instead because its cheaper so she did but ever since I have...
  3. W

    The Anxiety of Upcoming Events

    When an event is coming up such as new years or my birthday I get terrible anxiety for months prior to the event.. I get so anxious about whether I have plans, I'm so scared for being alone on one of these occasions because then when people ask "so what did you do for new years?" it would be...
  4. W

    People are annoying!

    People make my social anxiety even worse by saying stuff about it and it pisses me off! I just want to yell at the to shut up but obviously i wont cuz of my anxiety..... :mad: They say "Why dont u talk?" and that puts even more pressure on me to talk. And embarasses me when they say that...
  5. W

    Embarassed myself

    With my social anxiety it is hard for me to make friends. But recently I have met a new friend. I really want this friendship to work out... We went out drinking and I got too drunk to the point that I was embarassing.. No one else was even that drunk except me! I was just being a stupid drunk...
  6. W

    My social anxiety

    I want to fix my social anxiety and I have been seeing a therapist who has been helping alot! I feel alot more comfortable in social situations now but my main problem is that I just dont want to talk.. I dont know why because I do want to be a talkative person with alot of friends but when I'm...
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    Sertraline(or any other antidepressant) and alcohol/weed

    I just started taking sertraline and my doctor told me that i should watch out while drinking alcohol she said i can get sick.. can any of you share your experiences with drinking alcohol while on antidepressants.. I was also wondering about weed and mdma.. What will happen if i smoke weed or...
  8. W


    my doctor just prescribed me propanolol for my social anxiety. I haven't tried it yet. frankly i am scared to be dissapointed as i am afraid it wont work and I will have to go on another painful trip to the doctor to talk about my problem which makes me feel very embarassed. This is actually the...