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  1. IhateHH

    Do you stink in your HH spot even with deodorant? Then Read ME!

    k so everyone here that knows me knows that i have the highest possible case of hyperhidrosis on my feet which follows with really bad foot odor. After about 3 years of trial and error i tried out a cream called Lavilin deodorant foot cream that i ordered, and after the first day... NO STINK! My...
  2. IhateHH

    Anyone try acetone?

    Soo i was wondering if anyone LITERALLY tried drying the parts of their bodies that sweat constintly from HH. I have read numerous times of using rubbing alcohol.. but of course it didn't work just like every other "remedies" i've tried and read online. but recently i bought a bottle of "Pro...
  3. IhateHH

    Just got my avert!!

    K so i just received my 2mg avert from the mail this afternoon and i thought it was gonna be a tablet but its a pinkish capsule lol... boy was i wrong. Anyway i haven't eatin anything all day so im gonna take one capsule right now and let you guys know how my first day was when i go to school in...
  4. IhateHH

    Question About Avert 2mg

    How long would avert last if i took one 2mg tablet in the morning around 10am? I have night classes at 6pm to 9pm and was wondering if it would last up to that time. Hopefully the affects is like a 12hour lasting period... im only asking cuz i ordered a trial sized 2mg avert tablets on friday...
  5. IhateHH

    Hot/Warm Hands and Feet??

    Has anyone with HH noticed that their hands/feet is very warm or hot when not sweating? I've been noticing it for the past couple of days at night when im watching tv cuz someone made a post about warm hands awhile ago. For me it seems warm to the touch as well as the weird warm feeling ONLY on...
  6. IhateHH

    What's Your Music Therapy To Help With Anxiety/HH/Life?

    I know when i was growing up my life was a struggle and still is. I'm kind of the quiet type that thinks a lot but doesn't express my feelings cuz of past experiences and what i've learned, i think. My only real outlet to me is music cuz i can just go somewhere quiet and get lost in my own world...
  7. IhateHH

    What type of tea for foot soak?

    Hey i read everywhere and even saw an episode on Dr. Oz mention that soaking stinky feet in tea would help dry out sweat and kill odor, but it doesn't mention anywhere WHAT TYPE of tea to use. Anyone know? I think i would like to replace warm water with tea soak for my ionto so i kinda get a...
  8. IhateHH

    Phenibut Information?

    Hey i made a thread yesterday about non Rx required anxiety meds and i guess a mod deleted it, why? Anyway, does anyone have experience with phenibut and how much do you usually take, side effects, etc? Thanks
  9. IhateHH

    Xbox Live Anyone?

    Does anyone play xbox live and wanna add me? Since my social life is in the trash due to foot sweating, my social outline is online gaming :D. I play resident evil 5, modern warfare 2, midnight club la, marvel vs capcom 2, and fable 2. Possibly thinking about getting battlefield bad company 2...
  10. IhateHH

    What type of foot insoles do you use?

    Hey i was wondering what brand of sweat/odor absorbing insoles you use. I've been using Dr. Scholls Odor Destroying Insoles since the homemade ionto machine hasn't completely eliminated my sweating to 100%. But my problem is the first two days of using a fresh insole keeps my feet dry, but after...
  11. IhateHH

    Progress with HH

    After a long 3-4 week process of working out, eating right, and ionto treatments, id say my feet/hand sweating has decreased atleast 50%. I'm mostly dry when im at home (75% Dryer), but still sweaty when i go out, could be a mix of hyperhidrosis and anxiety (maybe 20% dryer). My routine: *Mon...
  12. IhateHH

    My Anxiety Kicks In At 6pm Everyday WHY?
