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  1. B


    Why can't people just be civil and treat each other well, I don't see why some people feel the need to be so fake, hypocritical , controlling and just plain nasty in the way they decide to talk to you. Rant :crying:
  2. B

    Does anyone else have this problem

    I often obsess a lot over money for example if when I bought a RAM stick for my PC and it did not work. This was only 25 pounds months ago but I still think of how I wasted the money now, in the order of things it should not really matter however I become obsessed with it. Also when I do well...
  3. B

    I need advice

    Hi, i need some advice, for example when i enter a room in my house I have to enter a certain way, for example right foot in first. Also when I use the computer and I miss type I cant just delete the one word i have to start over, or when putting a video in full screen I have to do a certain...