Search results

  1. GKJB

    I could have cancer, but I HATE the doctor

    I've had so many experiences with feeling like a total idiot when I visit the doctor. The first time was for SA, & he sat there umming and arring for about 10 minutes, then gave me a number of a councillor to ring :x The last 4 times have been because of a mole on my chest that has been really...
  2. GKJB

    Worried SA will ruin my ambition...

    Over the past year or so I've been doing what I can to work up to becoming a music producer. I've got myself interviews at colleges & universities, began building myself an online network, & started building my own home studio. I've got an appointment at a studio in London tomorrow where I'm...
  3. GKJB

    Someone booked me a stripper... what should I do?

    It's my 18th birthday on Friday, & so far this past few days I've been more anxious than I've ever been before. My sister is taking me out to some bars & pubs on Saturday with her mates & our family, which I'm already anxious enough about. But now her mate has booked me a stripper... I don't...
  4. GKJB

    Do you regret everything?

    Just something I wanted to share with you all to see if anyone feels the same, not sure if its a symptom of depression, but its something that's getting steadily worse for me... Now that I don't really have any sort of personality (because of SA) whenever I show a bit of excitement, feel...
  5. GKJB

    I don't like anyone...

    I've realized that I'm unable to like people. I don't know exactly why, but generally I'm just unable to see nice in people, and if I do I don't think its genuine, because I feel like everyone's laughing at me. I really only have 1 friend, but I don't even feel relaxed or comfortable around him...