Recent content by Dryad

  1. Dryad

    I don't like going out, I do like new smells or new people.

    I realised I am worse than I thought, I loathe going out because of the initial fear, secondly new smells, new lightings... things that are unfamiliar things just make me feel almost ill with worry. Has anyone else found this with their agoraphobia? I can go out a few times but I was literally...
  2. Dryad

    I went out to the pub for the first time in a year.

    First time in a year going out anywhere except for the shop. My sister was over from the UK and wanted to get me out. I thought I was being paranoid that people were looking at us, laughing, sniggering. When we played pool I was self concious and I thought the people watching us were doing the...
  3. Dryad

    Any Irish PC Gamers (Steam users)

    I play a wide variety of games but everyone I play with is from everywhere except Ireland lol! Here is my lil list of games so far :) Most I get from bundle price, you can pay like €3 and get 10 games lol I love my indie, puzzle, FPS and MMORPGs. AaAaAA!!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity Atom...
  4. Dryad

    How do you socialise without drinking or sport?

    I live out in the sticks and find it really hard to meet anyone. When I was in college it was better, I got very lucky and a guy noticed I was not fitting in and pretty much forced me too. He introduced me to his friends and it got me out of my flat to hang out. Now I live with my family and run...