Recent content by Daz

  1. D

    Telephone Interview..

    So I applied for this job a few weeks ago and I just got a text message asking me to book a time for a telephone interview A.S.A.P .. I hate telephones and when talking to someone on the other end, I just can't hang up quick enough, so I find myself rushing through the conversation which leads...
  2. D

    What is everyone's thoughts on Thyroid problems regarding SP..

    As above... A lot of symptoms are related, I.E - Anxiety, Depression, Panic disorder, Problems with memory and concentration, Brain fog, Feeling run down and sluggish, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Nervousness, Irritability and also Increased perspiration for those on here suffering from Hyper-hydrosis...
  3. D

    Doctors Tomorrow :O ...

    Hello. I have a day off work tomorrow, for my theory driving test (3rd time lucky) haha... well i hope! I have never studied for these tests and i come out thinking, how the **** did i fail that! So I'm expecting nothing more than a fail tomorrow. £31 a pop aswell! Not exactly cheap is it...
  4. D

    Has Anyone Ever Tried A Home Based Business?

    Hi everyone. I've been registered on this site for 2 years or so under a different user name, but haven't been able to log in for a while now, though. Question I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been involved in an online business and wish to share their experiences? I've just started out...
  5. D

    Has Anyone Ever Tried A Home Based Business / Interested?

    Hi everyone :wink: I've been registered on this site for 2 years or so under a different user name, but haven't been able to log in for a while now, though. :?: I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been involved in an online business and wish to share their experiences? I've just...