Delayed emotional response

Do you ever find yourself becoming angry at stuff that happened weeks ago? and at the time it happened you felt nothing? Does anybody know why this is?


Well-known member
I'd really like to know more about this, I got that all the time.

I think the real reason that you didn't feel anything when it happened is that you didn't allow yourself to feel it at the moment and repressed it.

Sometimes I get so unbelievably mad. Of course it never happens when people are around me, but still it's a good thing I got some ways to extract that anger by natural means that doesn't really hurt anything. It feels so good and liberating. For a while there I thought I had actual control over myself.


Well-known member
I remember stuff that happened weeks, months, years ago and still get frustrated.
Always happens to me, completely lets me down when i remember something like that.


Well-known member
Yes, that's exactly how i have responded the last years and especially the last weeks- It's frustrating because you feel cold and careless when you're hit, but then after a day or two or sometimes even longer, the reaction comes. Usually it comes when i wake up the next morning, while the night before i felt completely fine and in control of the situation.


Well-known member
I get angry at stuff that happened weeks and even years ago. During the events i was either emotionless or scared. Almost every time i remember them (not willingly) i get angry, sometimes depressed.

That's how I felt. During the events I was shocked into fear and numbness. I didn't allow myself to feel emotions because I fear that by doing so I would explode and end up doing crazy things. But I should have sought support from loved ones because bottling up emotions isn't healthy either.


Well-known member
Yeah not sure if you do this, but I first try to take on a mature perspective. Months may go by and then I may run into something that is or reminds me of something and react.